The music video was directed by Peter Coulson, the same director who directed her previous single. The video includes Gamble filming in the streets of Adelaide and at rehearsals in Melbourne. The song was written by Gamble for the launch of Feast (Adelaide’s LGBTIQ Queer Arts and Cultural Festival) for the LGBTIQ community.
Breaux took to Instagram to share the exiting news. "Hi everyone, check out my new music video. Link in bio Behind-the-scenes @firefurytour @petercoulson @jacquelinekalab @elissameyerthomas #feastfestival #adelaide #gamble #sumer #rhomelbourne #fireandfury #air #newmusic #Australianindependentartists #petercoulson," she shared.
‘Fire and Fury’ is now available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Spotify
What do you think of Gamble's new track? Do you love it or hate it? Tell us!
Photo Credit: Gamble Breaux's Instagram page