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Gizelle Bryant: “I Feel Like I’ve NEVER Heard The Truth Out Of Karen’s Mouth”

Gizelle Bryant is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac. Gizelle Bryant explains why she is tired of Karen Huger's "lies" and why she decided to visit her home in disguise along with Ashley Darby and Robyn Dixon. Tell us about being sick of Karen Huger lying and what is the real issue with how this affects your friendship. 
Gizelle Bryant: Karen and I go way back and everyone in Potomac knows that so when I go to the gas station to fill up my car inevitably someone is going to ask me about Karen. More specifically they are going to ask can Karen spell the word truth. Now, because Karen is my girl, I always want to defend her, protect her, ride with the truth (or a lie), I just DON'T KNOW what the truth is because I feel like I've NEVER heard the truth out of Karen's mouth. I want to be the best friend possible, it just becomes difficult because I am in the dark. What were you thinking when you walked in to Robyn Dixon’s remodel – was that you holding back? 
GB: I walked into Robyn's remodel and I immediately felt an overwhelming need and desire to take a shower. I just felt like dirt and bug particles were flying through the air landing on my head. However, seeing Robyn dive into the real estate market was super great to see and be a part of. I think next time I'm gonna get involved after the dead animals and human feces have been removed. Did you ever give Sherman those Jay-Z tickets back? 
GB: Ha! Of course! In the words of Jay-Z, I got 99 problems but tickets to a concert ain't one. How did you concoct this pizza delivery plan? What were you hoping to happen? 
GB: The Karen House Caper HAD to go down, the word on the street of her NOT living there was not cool and unnecessary. All we need was a couple costumes, a $12.99 pizza and let the super sleuthing begin. Do you know how many people ask me if Karen really lives in that house? And I really want to be truthful in my answer. Karen might want to keep up a lie but I want to live on TRUTH STREET. I really thought Karen was going to open the door, we would get a big laugh and we would once and for all know the real deal. Nope! Didn't happen. What were you thinking driving out to Karen in your get ups? Tell us about this moment going to her door, you seemed to have a moment of uncertainty. 
GB: Once the plan was in motion, I really got nervous. There are so many things that could go wrong. At the very least Karen wouldn't think it was funny, opens the door and cusses us out. I mean, I've been cussed out enough so wasn't looking forward to that. At the very worst, the neighbors could call the police. Karen's house is in Virginia so we would definetly be going to jail. Then I would have to call Al Sharpton and ask for a personal favor to BAIL US OUT. But, a plan is a plan and once in motion we must see it to the end.

What do you think about Gizelle’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Potomac airs Sunday nights at 8pm/7c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo