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Cary Deuber Talks About Memphis Trip And Reacts To RHOD Co-Stars’ “Brainwashed” Comment!

Cary Deuber is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. Cary Deuber talks about Memphis trip and reacts to the other ladies' "brainwashed" comment!

Cary writes:

"Welcome back friends.

What a fun episode for me and the other ladies! Friendship and positivity are what this is all about, and I’m so glad to finally see some of this on a classic girls’ trip. I’m also very happy that I've been able to get so close to both Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman this year to the point that Brandi actually thought to include me on this very personal trip. It was great to be included in the Memphis invite!

Now, of course, on girls’ trips with cocktails, we all spill a few more secrets than we typically would in the kid’s pickup line where the typical drink of choice is juicy juice. That being said, let’s just get the sex thing out of the way up front. Sex is healthy in a marriage. And by some standards… Hey, I guess we’re pretty healthy! Seriously, this is one of the important ways that Mark and I and most married couples stay connected and keep up the passion and intimate love for each other. Even when we are working our busy schedules, we make time for “alone time” several times a week. Now, we also take a good number of vacations each year, and when you’re enjoying a week at the beach, no kids, no stress...Who wouldn’t want to hit the double digits with their spouse? Well...okay maybe the other girls didn’t agree, but let’s just say Mark is a very lucky guy :)

Speaking of luck, it sounds like while I have plenty of that at home, I may be running out with some of my other Housewives back in Dallas. I mean, you’ve just gotta love how the other girls get together gossiping about how I’m going to be “brain-washed.” (Sarcasm intended) So, what are they talking about? Are they trying to suggest I am easily manipulated? Or that Brandi and Steph are manipulators? I mean, let’s be realistic here - which group is chilling with their friends doing fun things, spending time with family, having fun girl time; and who was killing time gossiping bored back home? Not sure about you, girl, but I'll take the brainwashing. It seems to me that perhaps by sitting around just gossiping that maybe those are the folks needing a bit of a brainwash... A good, long scrub!

So, where the hell are we!?! This girls’ trip was far from the big city, but it reminded me fondly of my own family as well. I actually grew up fishing with my grandpa where we had a little cottage on Lake Erie and we fished for perch. So, no, I didn't mind putting a worm on a hook or catching a fish. I am used to operating on people in my profession, which has certainly helped me get over any issues with being grossed out. Poor Stephanie, though… not so much!

I'm happy to see that the Brandi and Stephanie duo are getting along better. I think that sometimes Steph can lose herself in friendships, and we’ve talked about it together as honest friends. I’m proud to see her working on being more of an independent person in all of her relationships.

All in all, we had a great time. Fishing, meeting Brandi's fam, girl-bonding time. It was all good! It's so refreshing to be surrounded by such positive energetic charges. It's invigorating! Family and close friend time can really lift you up and make you feel refreshed and happy.

I pray that the larger friend group can find the balance and bliss that we have this week."

What do you think about Cary’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10pm/9c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo