Monique Samuels is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac. Monique Samuels reacts to her mother-in-law's sneaky side comments. Check it out! What is it like seeing the ladies discuss you? What do you think of their comments?
Monique Samuels: I was totally unbothered watching the ladies discuss me. I respect everyone’s opinion and the fact is, they are getting to know me so it’s normal to draw their own conclusions. What I don’t like is when people blatantly tell lies or over exaggerate situations (Gizelle Bryant). But at least Gizelle is consistent (a very consistent liar). I would never introduce myself and then for no reason at all, give details about my real estate or finances. It’s not called bragging when you’re answering nosy people’s questions. That’s called giving facts. The only question I have is, why is Gizelle so interested in my lifestyle? At high tea she begs the question, “You don’t have a home?” and then at the derby she lies to the rest of the ladies and says I introduced myself by stating, “I’m Monique and I’m rich.” Who does that?! That actually sounds like something she would say if she were wealthy. We all see clearly what her agenda is. Strike 2… she’s coming for me once again! I’m trying my best to be nice! I appreciate Ashley Darby’s comments and for keeping it all the way real! And Thank you, Karen Huger, for stepping up and saying "I don’t recall her saying all that!" (regarding the "I’m Rich" fabrication). Thanks Robyn Dixon for remaining silent. We all know you have a terrible memory and probably couldn’t remember what was actually said! LOL! And of course, my "Jersey girl," Charrisse Jackson Jordan, knows me best. Any opinion that she gives concerning me, I know comes from a good place. She has my best interest at heart! Love my sistah! Tell us about Chris' big hall of fame induction!
MS: Chris being inducted into the state of Alabama’s Hall of Fame was an absolutely humbling experience. I was so proud of him and even had to ask myself, "Who did I marry?!" He’s so accomplished and I’m so proud of him! He’s been retired for almost seven years and to still be acknowledged in this magnitude was an honor. My husband is so laid back that you would never know how truly great he is on and off the field. Allow me to "humbly brag" on his career for a second - he was the first Outland trophy winner (best interior lineman in all of college football in 1999) for the University of Alabama (ROLL TIDE!!!), he was drafted 3rd overall in the 2000 NFL Draft, played 10 years as the starting Offensive Left Tackle for the Washington Redskins (HTTR!!!), and he made the Probowl 6 times!!! With all of that said, he’s an even better man and husband off the field! We were so happy to have some of our family and friends come out and support him that weekend.
At times I get aggravated because he deserves to have a weekend totally about him, but some people cannot get that through their head and try to make it about themselves (his mom). All in all, I’m happy that our kids were able to experience this with us. Christopher and Milani both came to the ceremony and watched their daddy give a great speech. Have you always clashed with your mother-in-law?
MS: In the beginning when Chris and I began dating, his mother and I were very close. We would go to the spa together, mall outings, go to church and actually spoke on the phone often. That didn’t last long. When Chris and I got more serious in our relationship, Mrs. Samuels began to pull away. She couldn’t stand the fact the son she raised was such a good man to another woman. I would think she would be proud of that, especially since I’m always making sure she’s okay and has everything she needs. Most men don’t think about the importance of phone calls or spending time with your parents, so a lot of the time it’s me encouraging him to call and check on his parents. I’ll always respect Chris’s mother. She birthed and raised the man that I love and for that I love her. How can I truly say I love him and not at least try to show love to her? I’m still a woman, so if she pushes me into a corner, I will "respectfully" push back. At the end of the day, I really believe she just wants attention. If her marriage was in a better place, I don’t think she would have so much time to spend worrying about Chris and me. you aware of what your mother-in-law was saying at the table before now? What do you think about the comments?
MS: I was TOTALLY unaware of my mother-in-law’s side comments at the dinner table! To be honest, I can’t say I was surprised. There have been several times that I’ve heard her speak badly about her other daughter-in-laws so why would I be any different? I was disappointed that a person who claims to be such a devout Christian and Pastor would stoop so low and name call in that manner. A Heifer? WOW! After all, I am the woman your son chose and the mother of your grandchildren! I was hurt. Especially hurt to hear her say, "They need to throw me some of that money" as if Chris and I don’t go above and beyond to make sure both his parents are taken care of and want for nothing. For her to even insinuate this is totally ridiculous. And she wonders why we don’t come to her for marital advice? I choose to speak about my marital issues with couples who are in a happy and successful marriage. Read between the lines. Once again, I’m dealing with a person who clearly puts MONEY on a pedestal. To suggest that my marriage is any less sacred or should be easy because of my husband’s wealth is just plain IGNORANT. If money made people happy, why are rich folks some of the most unhappy people? Let that marinate. We all have issues and I can’t PAY my issues to go away (wouldn’t that be nice). That takes hard work, determination, and dedication. And that’s why Chris and I have a "successful" marriage so far; not a perfect marriage… but a very happy and loving marriage… with great sex! LOL! You alluded to overcoming marriage issues with your husband at lunch - what are some issues you’ve come against and how do you get through them?
MS: I’ll try to make this response as short as possible -- One major issue that Chris and I have in our marriage is my northern versus his southern dialect. Sometimes my tone does not come off the best and he translates that as being disrespectful. All women know that a man MUST feel respected in order to make him feel loved. I love my hubby with my whole heart but I need to work on this sassy mouth and sarcasm. It’s been something I’ve worked hard to tame since we’ve been dating. I’m a lot better, but I have my moments. I’m a Jersey girl to the core! And he’s a southern gentleman! He’s definitely helped me to find my balance. Chris, on the other hand, at times thinks everything is about him (as most successful athletes do). He’s so spoiled and forgets to do the things that make ME feel whole, like showing me affection. He’s a great provider, but I enjoy the small details like hugs, kisses, and him having my back when people "come for me." When we’re not seeing eye to eye, we have our counseling sessions with, either, our Pastor and First Lady (Dr. Chad and Darice Carlton), or his godfather, Pearl Pierce. They quickly remind us that we both need to recognize and understand OUR role in the marriage. In scripture, God commands the husband to "love" his wife and for the wife to "respect" her husband. If we don’t recognize OUR role and stay within our boundaries, disaster is bound to strike. It may seem simple, but the frustration that comes from the lack of love and respect in a marriage can lead to miscommunication, which will lead to arguments, which leads to lack of affection and sex, and then everything is downhill from there! As I stated before, the only gift in marriage is sex… the rest is hard work! So we NEED the gift!
What do you think about Monique’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Potomac airs Sunday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo