On Monday's all-new Real Housewives of Dallas — LeeAnne Locken and Tiffany Hendra confront Marie Reyes after Tiffany reveals that Marie has been spreading gossip behind LeeAnne’s back. Meanwhile, Travis Hollman tries to micromanage Stephanie Hollman’s plans to redecorate their four-year-old son's bedroom, while Mark captures risqué photos of Cary Deuber for their website in a bid to attract more business.
Tensions rise between Brandi and Bryan Redmond when she confronts him about blowing off the barbecue she hosted for her estranged grandfather. Watch a sneak peek preview below!
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10/9c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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