Luann writes:
John seemed pretty resigned that apologizing to Bethenny was non-negotiable to Dorinda. He was nervous because Bethenny can become bombastic when she’s arguing. A conversation with her can go from zero to 100 in under 10 seconds and that is why John’s first attempt didn’t go over well. John’s approach was totally off. He should know by now that Bethenny isn’t really interested in what he has to say. Again, parties work best when your guests are there to have a good time, not dredge up the past or settle differences.
You can see when I arrived at Bethenny’s party that I was in a great mood and that I brought a hula-hoop just for the fun of it. Who doesn’t love hula-hoops? If Carole doesn’t like the way I make an entrance, she should stay home. Instead she talked about me behind my back and was a huge downer. I was completely ready to make up and move forward, but Carole will not let go of an argument that lost its relevancy a year ago! Old news! Instead of burying the hatchet, I felt like Carole was chasing me with one. Yet, in spite of our disagreement, you can see that we agreed to be cordial to one another even if we aren’t going to be friends. That’s about as good as it’s going to get, and I’m OK with that.
Jules is a great gal, and I’m starting to see her as the Zen Housewife. She was kind to invite us to brunch at her beautiful Watermill home and if Carole and Bethenny didn’t want to be there, they could have made other plans. What Carole said about my date Paul making it all the way to brunch was rude and shows that she will be nice to my face while insulting me behind my back. Her focus on my love life says more about her than it does about me. And why did Bethenny feel the need to zing Jules about her home and her construction plans? I think she should have kept her mouth full of bagel and lox instead of sharing her opinions on home renovation. So negative. I agree with Jule’s husband Michael that it’s better to do it right the first time, even if it takes more time. Same can be said about friendships.
Until next week, God bless. "
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