Vicki Gunvalson is setting the record straight as to why she is selling her North Caroline home and why Briana and Ryan are now moving back to Oklahoma instead of Chicago.
If you recall, the Real Housewives of Orange County alum originally bought the home to be closer to her daughter and grandkids, but since Briana and Ryan are not moving away, Gunvalson decided to sell her new home.
“There have been lots of rumors and speculation surrounding my decision to sell the lake home I had recently purchased in North Carolina,” Vicki told CeleBuzz. “As those who follow my family and I, Ryan and Briana recently announced that they were moving from North Carolina to Illinois. Then, Ryan ended up getting a last-minute huge job offer in Oklahoma City that he ended up taking from his Toys for Tots Marine connection.”
“This will allow Briana to stay home with her newborn for at least a year and will allow the boys to return to school and sports full time, which is what they are needing,” Vicki continued. “They have already sold their home in one day and purchased a new beautiful home in Oklahoma. They are very excited. Me? Well initially I wasn’t as happy as if they were moving to IL which is where we are from, but I’ve come to love Oklahoma and the people there, and I’m confident this is the right move for them at this time in their lives. Our family definitely moves quickly on decisions.”
How does Vicki feel about selling her North Carolina home? “If they were staying in North Carolina, I would have kept the house so I had a place of my own to be closer to them and my grandchildren; however, with them moving, it doesn’t make sense to keep it anymore,” she said. “The home is completely remodeled and is in move in condition and ready for a family who loves a log cabin home.”
Now that her daughter's family is moving to Oklahoma, does this mean that she will be buying a home there instead?
“As far as if I will buy a home in Oklahoma City, the answer is not right now, and not just yet,” she said. “Ryan and Briana have purchased a home that is 5 bedrooms, 4 baths and is on 2+ acres and has their own beautiful swimming pool in the backyard which means they have a guest room for me when I come visit. So for now, Orange County to Oklahoma will be my new flight plan route instead of Orange County to NC.”
Vicki also shuts down reports that she is having financial issues since walking away from the Bravo hit reality series.
“One other thing I’d like to address is people who have questioned my financial stability including some who have shown concern-due to it being revealed that I was selling the lake home coupeld with the fact that I am no longer on The Real Housewives of Orange County,” Vicki explained. “I haven’t been on RHOC for over a year now, and I’m financially doing great in the midst of a world pandemic. I’ve always owned several real estate properties, and this was a good ‘flip’ house for me.”
“It’s almost as if people forget that I own a very successful insurance company called Coto Insurance for much longer than I was on RHOC,” she told CeleBuzz. “I specialize in ensuring my clients are financially protected for their future. It’s really ignorant for people to make assumptions that I wouldn’t be smart enough to do the same for my own future. I'm not poor by any means, and am very proud of my business Coto Insurance and the equity and savings I have.”
She added, “I own 4 homes, and some are paid off…people are so mean and clueless.”
Photo Credit: Bravo Media/NBCUniversal; Courtesy via Ryan Culberson/Instagram