Ward announced her departure from the series in December 2020 after twelve seasons. Bardsley, who feuded with Ward, throughout their time on the series, Tanya reveals that she wished her on-off nemesis well but admits that she hasn't spoken to her since filming wrapped.
“Me and Dawn haven’t spoken for nearly a year, but I wish her all the best,” she told new! Magazine, according to OK! UK.
“Every time we lose a big character, we always get one or two new ones. I think that’s definitely in the pipeline.”
Tanya continued: “We never know! It’s all kept very hush hush. We only find out on camera.”
The footballer's wife promises that the new series will include lots of fireworks when the show returns, thanks to her new cast member, Lystra Adams, who joined the series last season, replacing Ester Dee.
Opening up about their close relationship both on and off-screen, Tanya credited Lystra with putting a spring back in her step when it came to the series.
“She’s given me a new lease of life during filming and I absolutely adore her,” Tanya said of Adams. “We’ve just got such a strong connection, we’re like best friends,” Tanya added.
Tanya also gushed about co-star Lauren Simon. “Lauren is just a big ball of happy energy. She doesn’t take anything too seriously. She’s really good to have around.”
Photo Credit: ITV; Monkey; NBCUniversal