Elizabeth Lyn Vargas is calling out her Real Housewives of Orange County co-star Braunwyn Windham-Burke after the mother-of-seven revealed that she is on the outs with her cast members.
Vargas did not hold back when it came to sharing her thoughts on Windham-Burke. “Kelly [Dodd] had her problems with COVID and compliancy, but I just thought it was very, as usual, hypocritical of Braunwyn,” Elizabeth told HollywoodLife.
“So it is what it is. Braunwyn has absolutely no right to talk because during COVID, she went all over the country. She went to Utah. She went all of these different places, so for her to say that about Kelly….”
In the Dec. 9 episode, which was filmed back in March, Braunwyn slammed Kelly for visiting her now-husband, Fox News corespondent Rick Leventhal instead of staying home with her teenage daughter Jolie during the pandemic. “I just can’t understand that risk for a booty call,” Braunwyn said on the show.
As for Elizabeth, despite having issues with the Braunwyn, she commends her for battle with sobriety and coming out as a lesbian.
“I tried to get to know her on a number of occasions and I continue to repeat this, that, I reach out to her all of the time,” Elizabeth shared. “I even just gave her a happy birthday text the other day. Even though she’s not talking to any of us, she’s going through a lot with her sobriety and transitions in her own life which are great.”
“Whether people believe her or not or whether she’s full of shit or not, she’s still doing something for her which is admirable. Whether people agree with it or not, I can’t get my head around it,” she added. “Seven kids, a husband, a lesbian and then I don’t know what’s going on with her, I just want to support the cause in general, so I guess right now, she chooses not to support the women on the show. On camera she does, but off camera she absolutely doesn’t so we all got tired of the whole on camera niceness and the off camera shading from her so I just kind of gave up. I tried my hardest. When you don’t get reciprocal love, you’re like why am I not getting it if I’m not receiving it?”
Vargas revealed that she was looking forward to film RHOC reunion, which was filmed prior to her interview with Hollywood Life, to confront Windham Burke. “Oh yes, absolutely,” Elizabeth said. “I’m just going to ask her how her therapist is doing and how much longer she has until we can be friends!”
Photo Credit: Bravo Media/NBCUniversal