Mary Amons has shared new details about the upcoming reunion for The Real Housewives of D.C. to celebrate the show's 10th anniversary of the premiere of the series, The former Bravo reality star took to Twitter to share reveal that reunion may be virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Excited to virtually get together to celebrate, share and catch up very soon!" she tweeted.
Las week, Mary shared an update on the rumored RHODC reunion to celebrate the show's 10th anniversary of the premiere of the series. "
"Yaaassssss! We are working on some live Instagram chats and a zoom reunion! #RHOD #RHODC10years," she wrote via Twitter on April 20, 2020.
In October 2019, Amons first revealed that she and her former co-stars were going to reunite for a special tenth anniversary of the premiere of the series.
"Friends! It's been a while, but I'm baaaaack! Exiting #RHODC anniversary announcements are in the works!," Mary tweeted back in Oct 2019. "Stay tuned! Can you believe that our season of crazy and fun was filmed 10 years ago? #timeflies"
"So excited to gather together for a long overdue #RHODC reunion! Can't wait to see @catommaney @stacietunerdc1 @THERealLyndaDC & our favorite @PaulWharton!," she wrote.
After a fan said that he hoped that Michaele Schon, formally known as Michaele Salahi would take part in the reunion, Mary replied: "Meeee toooo! #RHODC"
When asked if the RHODC reunion will be a TV special on Bravo, the mother-of-five replied, "Wait and "watch what happens!" adding an emoji eye wink.
Photo Credit: Bravo
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