"Another day, another family meal, and you're not gonna believe who I'm with," Avery teased in a video in her Instagram Story before turning the camera onto Ramona, who said, "I'm self-isolating with Avery's dad."
The clip showed them all sitting at the dinner table having just finished a chicken dish prepared by Mario himself. "He's making dinner every night," Ramona said of her ex-husband, according to Bravo's The Daily Dish.
Avery also called the moment "a plot twist for a quarantining squad" in her Instagram Story. "Happy to all be together through this," she wrote.
In another video via her Instagram Story, Avery suggested to her mom that they do a TikTok to pass the time during their self-isolation, which Ramona was all for. "I think that we should post one, it's gonna go viral," Avery said. "Maybe we'll get Dad in the background."
Mario then was seen doing a little dance in his seat and snapped his fingers.
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo