Ramona Singer is feeling "very lucky and very blessed." On Wednesday, the Real Housewives of New York City star shared the news on social media that she had just been diagnosed with Lyme Disease.
Singer told E! News that she began to feel unwell around Valentine's Day and, per a friend's recommendation, saw internist Dr. Bernard Schayes, who ordered a full blood panel. Singer was prescribed Prednisone for her congestion and slight fever. While she felt better at first, her symptoms returned. After her blood test results came back, Schayes informed the star that she has Lyme disease and Singer is now taking an antibiotic.
As for where she might have been infected, the Bravo reality star believes she got the tick-borne illness from an undetected tick bite in the Hamptons, where she spends a lot of time at her home there.
Fortunately, Singer was diagnosed early and will be retested in a month. "You must get tested once a year, especially if you're in an area where there are deer," she told E! News. "But, we caught it early and I'm very lucky and very blessed." She is also working with Alkamind founder Dr. Daryl Gioffre to build up her immune system and "increase immune function through an alkaline diet."
And, while she's a little tired, Singer feels mostly fine. "[Her doctor] said everything else is great," she added. "'You're a strong woman, very healthy and you can easily live to 95.' I told him I want to live to 100."
Photo Credit: Bravo
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