Foxtel is considering adding women from the now cancelled The Real Housewives of Sydney to the upcoming fifth season of The Real Housewives of Melbourne. Foxtel's executive producer Brian Walsh said he'd given producers the task of 'combining the cities' to create a Real Housewives of Australia series.
"I think some of the women from Real Housewives of Sydney are great talent and we'd love to have them back on the screen," he revealed on The Kyle and Jackie O Show, according to The Daily Mail Australia.
"If you think about Krissy Marsh and Nicole [O'Neil], there were some great women on the Sydney show. I think there's a way we can get them back on the screen, that's the plan."
Walsh also revealed that all the women from the Melbourne series wouldn't be back, and that there would be a major 'shake up' for the show's upcoming fifth season to stop the show from becoming predictable.
When host Jackie 'O' Henderson asked if Gina Liano would be returning to the series, Brian hinted that she might not make the cut.
"Last season, Gina said that she would not come back to the show if Sally [Bloomfield] was on the series, so that's taken us some time to see how we move forward," he explained.
"Gina's an important part of the franchise and we'd love to see her back, but we can't have a situation where the talent is dictating the creative on the show."
He later added: "I think it'll be fun casting and I hope that we can uncover some great new faces."
Photo Credit: Foxtel
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