Hi Ioulia, Welcome to iRealHousewives!
Ioulia Kostyleva: First I would like to say thank you for this opportunity. I really appreciate it.
I know you were supposed to be in the first season of RHOV - How do you think you would've fit in with the original cast and why didn't you do it?
IK: I definitely think I would have been a great fit but I was becoming a stock broker in NYC and thought it was not a right move for me at that time.
Do you know or were you friends with Christina Kiesel from season one?
IK: No.
How has your life changed since appearing on RHOV?
IK: Drastically. I am sober for 5 years now and also am a Christian. I work in an auto industry and started a business. I know how it feels to have everything and to have nothing, and neither define who I am. I am "normal" human being, humble, kind and learning all the important lessons in life, such as what actually matters, and it is not the material things.
RHOV Season 2 Promotional Photo, Credit: Slice
How's life been since the show ended?
IK: Amazing! Never been happier! I had a lot of challenges but I would not trade it for anything, it showed me what I am made out of and who my friends are. It a blessings in disguise.
Are you currently dating anyone special?
IK: Yes! I am with the love of my life James. He is just incredible and I have never been happier.
Iouia and her partner James, Credit: Ioulia
Do you still have the Matryoshka heels you wore for your birthday?
IK: (Laughs) Of course! Want them?
Are you happy with how you came across during your time on the show?
IK: I was myself at that stage of my life. I am different now I had a challenging spiritual journey that let me grow into a person I am today. And I am happy with myself today.
Credit: @IouliaReynolds/Twitter
What are some of your favorite moments from your time on RHOV?
IK: Food! And meeting Amanda Hansen.
What would your tagline would've been if the show had returned for a third season?
IK: "What does not kill me, makes me stronger!"
Do you find it funny that you and Amanda were at odds on RHOV and now you two are best friends?
IK: I find it incredible. She is my soul sister and we talk every day.
Who do you keep in touch with since the show ended?
IK: Amanda Hansen and Ronnie Negus. Sometimes with Robin Reichman.
Ioulia and Amanda, Credit: Twitter
What’s the hardest thing about being part of a major reality television franchise such as the Real Housewives?
IK: Everybody knows who you are and sometimes you question peoples motives. Also, when my life took a turn where I had to find my own stride, people had that judgments and preconceived opinions of who I am and where I should be in my life. So I had to fight a lot against that stigma.
Do you know any of the other Housewives outside from RHOV franchise?
IK: No.
What did you think of the women who left the show after the 1st season? Did you know any of them?
IK: They are great and no I did not.
Did you know any of your co-stars before you started filming the show?
IK: No.
Credit: @IouliaReynolds/Twitter
If you could join any other Real Housewives city which one would it be and why?
IK: I would not, no offence.
What’s the biggest misconception people have from you since appearing on RHOV?
IK: I am not sure what peoples' opinions are of me are. I learned how to just focus on myself and my opinion of me and those people who are close to me and they know the real me so its all that matters.
What’a the biggest lesson you learned from watching yourself on TV?
IK: Money does not buy happiness.
Were you disappointed there was no reunion for Season 2?
IK: Nope.
RHOV Season 2 Promo, Credit: Slice
IK: No.
So I've heard you recently launched a new beauty business called Lurid Glam, can you tell us about it?
IK: It's a cosmetic tattoo business and art and merchandise in the future. Company called Lurid Glam. luridglam.com is to empower women and to help women feel effortlessly beautiful.
What inspired you to launch your own business?
IK: I love having my own business and show my passion through it without being told how and what to do.
Do you see yourself opening spas in the near future?
IK: No.
Ioulia earning her Microblading Tech certification,
Credit: @IouliaReynolds/Twitter
Any advice you would like to give to women who want to start their own business?
IK: Give it all you got.
Would you consider doing T.V. again?
IK: No. Well, only to speak about sobriety, God, spirituality and mental health. Basically something useful.
Anything you would like to say to your fans?
IK: It's weird for me to even conceptualize that I have fans. I am a normal girl living a simple life and trying to do good a be a better person. But if I have them I love them.
Ioulia and her boyfriend James, Credit: Ioulia
Follow Ioulia on social media via Twitter and Instagram!
Follow Lurid Glam via Facebook, Instagram and visit their official website: https://luridglam.com/
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Photo Credit: Slice, Twitter
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