D’Andra Simmons is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on last week's episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. D’Andra Simmons opens up about her issues with LeeAnne Locken.
D'Andra writes:
"Hey, Y’all!
This week was totally tubular, don’t you think? We had vaginal rejuvenation, people were losing their virginity at prom, and lots and lots of tequila plus rosé all day!
Speaking of tequila, I don’t think it is fair of LeeAnne to judge Brandi for being inebriated after our “boozy lunch.” She was letting off some steam after Baby Bruin’s adoption and finally letting go of a little bit of that mommy control by hiring a nanny after feeling like she was unable to ask for help. I completely understand and relate. I am a control freak raised by a control freak--Momma Dee! Besides, LeeAnne is one to talk! I see right through her newly-found “zen” sobriety. She is the same old LeeAnne.
For example, at lunch with Stephanie and Kameron, LeeAnne said it was ridiculous for Brandi to say that she is “whispering” to Kameron not to be friends with Brandi, and that she wouldn’t try and split everyone into groups like that. Then immediately after, she yells that she is finally in the right group…interesting. And, since when did you call your friends a group? The last time I was put in a group was in college to do research.
Brandi and I have a blast together with our tequila shots, and I think it’s weird that the other group’s little adult sorority induction lacked more shots! I thought that was a part of initiation in sororities. I do want to apologize again for bringing a tipsy Brandi to the “No-Tie” Patron Party. I knew they weren’t getting along that well, and I was completely sober (not inebriated as LeeAnne so kindly referred to me) as I took a break after lunch and went home to get some business done before going to the “No-Tie” Patron Party.
I should have known better than to bring Brandi without telling LeeAnne, but for the record, I was invited independently of LeeAnne, as I was a past Honorary Chair way before LeeAnne or Kameron ever heard of the organization. The Simmons Family has been supporting AIDS Services of Dallas for many years, and the kitchen was completely re-done in the main building by the family foundation. I had not planned on coming at all due to my previously planned day off, but I wanted to show up to support the cause, since I have been involved for so many years. I did not think my decision through as I had gone home for a bit before going back to pick up Brandi, but I could not have anticipated the outcome! I did not bring Brandi there to hurt LeeAnne. I thought that since we had such a fun day that it might rub off on their friendship and current issues and they could have a nice conversation--WRONG.
At first, I thought it was strange that LeeAnne said my priorities have changed since Brandi and I have started spending more time together, but the more I thought about it, I was thrilled she had noticed. My priorities have changed. I still very much have a heart for philanthropy, however, the “charity scene” is no longer important to me. Helping people and giving what I can of my time and resources will always be a priority to me but attending charity events simply to socialize is exhausting when I am focusing on my business, and it doesn’t serve the cause as much as putting your money where your mouth is!
However, it now makes sense why LeeAnne was so upset about my decision to forgo every society invitation. Society is something she desperately wants to be a part of, and it doesn’t make sense to her that I no longer care about being seen at every glamorous event. From the outside looking in, it may seem glamorous and exciting! To me, though, it had become constricting and was taking all of my time and energy when I really needed that to be focused elsewhere.
And, I would like to point out, while we are on the subject of society, since LeeAnne likes to call herself an expert, her definition of the duty of an Honorary Chair of a charity event is NOT correct. The Honorary Chair first and foremost, writes a BIG FAT CHECK, so let me just be transparent here and get that clear to everyone who may be confused. Secondly, and at their discretion, an Honorary Chair may share some of their contacts and invite them to financially support the charity along with them. They are IN NO WAY obligated to give away/share their contact list and MOST DO NOT! The job of the Chair of an event is to raise the money. I have Chaired over 20 events in society, so I have a little knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the players.
Now, I don’t know that LeeAnne is necessarily jealous of me as Brandi put it. I think that her desperate desire to become a part of society—let me refer to Exhibit A: When LeeAnne used my name, wedding and best friend status as a reference to her being a part of Dallas society in the Reunion Episode of Season 1 while Tiffany sat next to her and glared in disbelief and offense as an example, if anyone is questioning me- overshadows her judgement at times, and she might be a tad jealous of those born, adopted or married into it.
As far as the fact that I am married, and she is still not, is she jealous? I don’t know. Brandi is the one who pointed it out, not me. Though, for someone who is content in their own situation, she sure does love to point out my divorce as if it’s the 1950s, and I am wearing the scarlet letter because of it. I would like to now point out Exhibit B: LeeAnne’s own fiancé, Rich Emberlin, has been married at least three times I know of, and she isn’t worried about marrying him…duplicitous much???? People get divorced! At least more than one person wanted to marry me and many others asked. I wasn’t happy when I was with my first husband, and I was brave enough to admit that and move on. Not sure if everyone in this scenario can say the same.
I still believe that LeeAnne is covering up her own issues in her relationship by attacking me, because deflecting and focusing on others will always be easier than dealing with our own problems. She deflected to me about my company, at the 80s party she deflected to Brandi about her own marriage and adoption (which was a really low blow), and she is now deflecting by insinuating that I have a drinking problem every chance she gets. If anyone reveals a vulnerability to LeeAnne in their own life, she later uses it as fodder to start trouble, but she will never talk about her own current issues.
It was really starting to get to me that LeeAnne wouldn’t open up about her problems with Rich. I NEVER gossiped about my concerns regarding Rich’s fidelity to the other ladies, like LeeAnne did to Cary about my finances. I only asked LeeAnne a pointed question and left the door open for her to contemplate whether or not my question had any merit and as to whether she wanted to discuss it further. She never asked me why I asked that question, which I find very odd.
If I didn’t care for LeeAnne, I would have swept my concerns under the rug and let them go. I can honestly say that knowing the kind of person I am, I could NEVER forgive myself if I hadn’t asked the question. In fact, LeeAnne came to me with information about my previous fiancé being unfaithful, and I left him. Thank GOD! I knew she wasn’t going to react kindly to my inquiry, but I had to do the right thing.
I would rather throw myself under the bus and let LeeAnne be upset with me, than let my friend enter into a marriage with red flags waving wildly and the rumor mill churning. A bad marriage is a lot more hurtful than a disappointing friendship in my book. I should know…I’ve had both! Tune in next week to see where we go from here."
What do you think about D'Andra’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Wednesday nights at 9pm/8c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo