Vicki Gunvalson is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Vicki Gunvalson explains why Kelly Dodd and Tamra Judge's comments hurt her feelings.
Vicki writes:
"Watching this week’s episode felt like a stab in the back. Kelly and I used to be really good friends, but ever since her and Michael got divorced, our friendship has gone separate ways. The obvious reason is she’s upset because Steve and I maintained our friendship with Michael and are closer with him instead of her. After I witnessed first-hand how terrible she treated Michael, I started to pull back. Now she’s attacking my relationship and spreading lies about us just to make herself feel better. Kelly’s anger and uncontrolled temper is extremely toxic. When, and if, she can learn to control her temper, I’ll be there for her too.
As I mentioned in last week’s blog, Steve and Michael formed a very strong friendship while Kelly and Michael were married. After their divorce, Michael has relied on Steve as a support system. I am not going to tell Steve who to be friends with, just like he would not tell me who to be friends with. We are adults and can make decisions without being influenced by anyone else. As you can see, their friendship bothers Kelly, and this is why she continues to lash out against us. As Eddie said last week, “Are we 12?” It’s truly ridiculous.
It also really hurt me to see Tamra say, “She doesn’t love Steve” at the dinner with Emily, Gina, and Shannon. Wasn’t it just last week after the golf outing she told Steve, “You need to marry Vicki”? Which one is it, Tamra? One week you’re saying we should get married and the next week you’re saying I don’t love him? Tamra doesn’t know my relationship with Steve because she hasn’t been around us very often. She does know how happy he makes me, so why would she say that? And wasn’t it Tamra who said when you talk crap about your man “game on”?! I vowed to Tamra, and have stuck to my word, that I would not talk badly about her or her relationship with Eddie, because I have no reason to hurt them and I want them happy. She agreed the same thing to me. It’s like every time I turn around, someone is trying to cause issues with me. Why? If you notice, I have shut my mouth and have been out of gossiping, especially when it comes to our relationships, because it’s none of my business.
Steve and I are very happy and have been together two and a half years. We love each other very much, and we don't have to prove it to any of these women. The fact that Kelly and Tamra are now spreading rumors he’s only with me for my money is laughable. Steve has his own money, and I have my own money. It’s such a hypocritical statement coming out of Kelly’s mouth, because she is the one who said she will only date a man if he has money. That’s not me. I could care less about what the size of anyone’s pocketbook is, and furthermore how does she know how much money we have? She doesn’t, so she is completely out of line (again!)
Now onto happier things. I was so excited to see my brother Billy, Steve’s family, Michael, and Dani take the time out of their busy lives to surprise me for my birthday. After seeing how gossipy the ladies are, it makes me realize how important my family is to me. Steve’s family and my family is what makes me happy. Nothing makes me more at peace than when I’m surrounded by my family. It was sad Briana, Ryan, and the boys weren’t able to come, but I have been able to go to North Carolina every few months, and they were just out to see us last month. We are making the long-distance relationship work, but I’m not going to deny it’s hard on me. I miss them all very much.
I went to Dr. Moon’s again to support Shannon and to see what he could do for me because for some reason my foot and ankle were very swollen. Yes, Dr. Moon was right when he said that I’m still holding onto anger, resentment, and humiliation after my relationship with my ex-boyfriend (can’t even stand to say his name) ended. Dr. Moon has a different approach to overall health, and I’m open to anything to feel better. I guess I need to have my liver rubbed and pressed on more often …right?
I was joking when it came to the matchmaker comment with Tamra. What you didn’t see what me telling Tamra that if anything ever happened to Steve and me, I would definitely go the matchmaker route if I was willing to ever date again. I’m glad that Shannon is giving it a shot, and I’m hoping the matchmaker can match her up with someone she could have a nice time with. The bottom line is I love Steve, and we are very happy together. I’ve been through hell in my past relationships, and I’m so happy I found someone who loves me as much as I love him. I’m not interested in dating anyone else.
Regarding Gina and her decision to divorce Matt, it makes me sad. It’s a lifelong decision, and it doesn’t seem to make sense to me or the ladies, but the reality is it doesn’t have to. I’m trying to do my best to lead by example and not gossip about her behind her back like these women like to do. But, I’m also coming from a different place than the rest of these ladies. I was a single mother with two small children at 29 years old with NO child support and no health insurance from their father. From what Gina has said, it seems like her and Matt are going to maintain a good co-parenting relationship, which will make it a lot easier than most situations. I felt bad for her when she was crying telling her mom, because I had no idea she was so unhappy. She hid it really well, because I had no idea her marriage was crumbling. My advice to her was if there was any chance they could make it work, then put the effort in. If not, then I respect her decision and will support her as a friend.
I was happy to see Kelly and Emily meet and get their fight talked out. I’m surprised that they were able to recover from Kelly calling Shane a “little bitch” and for Emily to be so forgiving. Looking back on that night at Tamra’s party, Kelly went in there to cause problems. She came up to me saying she wasn’t comfortable around Steve (for whatever reason I still can’t get an answer from her on) and I said then for her stay away from him. It was clear to me she was looking to cause a scene or she would have stayed away. There was a lot of other people she could have talked to, but she went gunning for him and completely ignored my advice.
You saw me read to Tamra at her house with Emily there exactly what was said on social media. How can Kelly be upset with Steve for clarifying some facts on how my girlfriend met Michael? It’s childish and ridiculous of Kelly to be so emotional about this. Am I missing something here?
I am not good with fighting, because I think there are more mature ways to get your point across versus yelling. I’ve seen how I’ve been in the past when I’ve yelled at people when I was angry, and it’s not a good look. As I get older, it’s more and more important for me to maintain my cool and class than be screaming and name calling the way Kelly does.
I’m in NYC and will be on WWHL tonight, so tune in! Hope you are enjoying the show so far. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for a sneak peek into my personal life of things you don’t see on TV at @vickigunvalson."
What do you think about Vicki’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9pm/8c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo