According to Wikipedia, Boar is 2018 Australian horror film written and directed by Chris Sun about a young family that find themselves in the Australian Country side, being hunted by a bloodthirsty wild pig. The film stars Nathan Jones, John Jarratt, Christie-Lee Britten, Melissa Tkautz, Bill Moseley, Hugh Sheridan, Roger Ward, Ernie Dingo, Ricci Guarnaccio, with special appearneces by Chris Haywood and Steve Bisley.
The film's synopsis: "There's a boar in the harsh yet beautiful Australian outback, an animal of staggering size, with a ruthless, driving lust for blood and destruction. Defending its territory, it cares for no one and kills with a raw animalistic savagery unlike any have seen before."
Watch the official movie trailer below!
For more info about ticket sales and selected theater location, make sure to visit BOAR's official Facebook page HERE!
Source/Photo Credit: Instagram