Ashley Darby is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's Season 3 premiere episode of The Real Housewives of Potomac. Ashley Darby explains why she moved back in with her husband Michael and weighs in on Karen Huger’s tax news. Why did you decide to move back in with Michael after the two of you decided to separate?
Ashley Darby: I never considered how much happens in six months until a time clock was placed on my relationship. We had begun that necessary time for separation before divorce, living apart in separate homes, and I experienced a different side of life. For many years I'd been in love and committed to a relationship with another person, meaning I thought of myself as a part of a unit. All of a sudden I felt like Forrest Gump without Bubba, and it was a foreign feeling. So I took the necessary steps to learn about myself and who I am as an individual, using the principles of yoga and spirituality to find my Zen. During my soul searching and time of reflection, I realized that I deeply love Michael. Stripping away the factors like family, the restaurant, and our egos I saw a pure love between us. We have been through so much and I didn't want to throw it away. In my heart I felt it was worth it to give it another try, and thankfully Michael was on the same page. Do you believe that your mother and Michael will be able to see eye to eye? How has their clashing affected you?
AD: Relationships are ever-evolving, so I am optimistic that my mom and Michael will be able to appreciate and accept each other with all of their quirks. Of course, I realize I could be looking through rose-colored glasses and will get my finger slammed in the door, but I love these two people very much so I'm going to keep that idea in my mind. Of course, it gets a little challenging for us, but being family isn't always easy. We are living proof of that, and I'm always going to keep trying. It's not easy for me to be in the middle of these two powerful personalities - at times it is pretty difficult - and it's forced me to find my own voice louder than I ever have before. It hasn't been an easy road for me at all, but to find a loving balance between my mom and husband is a tightrope I am willing to walk. What was your reaction to the news about Karen and Ray’s tax debt? Watching now, do you think she knew and that’s why she moved to Great Falls?
AD: I was in Ibiza when the news of the Huger Tax debacle broke, and I was instantly shocked - like, literally reading the article with my mouth wide open. It was surprising because Karen can front and deflect with the best of 'em, and while I've tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, it is clear that Karen and Ray can't be taken at face value. Just as we all suspected, the abrupt hustle to Great Falls was a calculated move that had ulterior motives. If anything, I hope Karen and Ray can get on the same page about whether or not Karen had any knowledge about the potential tax issues for legality's sake. What did you think of the argument between Karen and Robyn at lunch? Do you think Robyn stabbed Karen in the back?
AD: Interestingly, that lunch threw me for a loop! I saw that Karen was reaching out to Robyn for two reasons. First, Robyn has endured public financial hardship in the past, and could give Karen some good pointers about how to contain the flame. Secondly, Robyn works in PR and Karen was desperately seeking some crisis management (for free of course) for damage control about her reputation. I can't knock her for either of those reasons, but Robyn seems to have to seen through those priorities as well. While Robyn and I don't always see eye to eye, I don't understand why Karen got upset that Charrisse and Monique learned about the phone conversation. While it's understandable that Karen is sensitive about her situation, she has to take an assessment of when she is being overly sensitive. What did you think of Karen not knowing what a blog was and her comments on the Washington Post?
AD: All I heard was Karen backpedaling, as she has so often done. As far as I hope, Karen hasn't been living under a rock so she knows what a blog is. I'm sure that when the Washington Post was mentioning her name for attending a charity gala or two, Karen was a huge fan of the Post. Now that her family's missteps were highlighted it’s convenient to throw shade at a credible newspaper that I'm sure she once praised.
What do you think about Ashley’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Potomac airs Sunday nights at 10pm/9c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo