by: Grant Ashley
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author, and they do not reflect in any way those of
To the 98,000 people who watched this episode in Australia, I ask a question: is this really how grown women should act at a child’s 4th birthday party?!?
But before that, we join Lydia and Venus at the NGV Garden Restaurant, Venus talking about last week’s séance at Gamble’s house, and that Janet and Sam’s relationship had come up. Janet was really upset, particularly as her drinking too much was being blamed for the break up, and she accused the Gina and Lydia of lying about it – basically, Lydia’s not allowed to have an opinion on anything!
Next, we see Sally warmly greeted back from Bali by her two young boys, having been over there to launch her hotel. The trip also coincided with her late husband’s birthday, I’m surprised that the girls didn’t all go over, especially as it’s not a long trip.
We then join Venus, plus an array of helpers, organising Sophia’s 4th birthday party. Enchanted garden is the theme and Venus has some outrageous ideas, including having piglets running round the place – safe to say, the event companies kept things in check.
Later, a controversial scene – Venus taking heat for the way she treats her housekeeper and how she speaks to him. I doubt this was an accurate reflection of their relationship and Venus just wanted things to be perfect for the evening ahead. Speaking of which, Gamble and Rick join for dinner, the first time they’ve seen each other since Janet’s cocktail party. They sit down to a traditional Persian dinner (which looks REALLY good!), but the mood is quiet with little conversation. The séance does get brought up however, specifically how ‘Lord C’ was spelled out on the Ouija board – Gamble admits that she was actively moving the button, clearly it was all fake.
We leave Melbourne and head up to Newcastle, joining Jackie and Ben as she receives the key to the city. Her family also join for the event which seems to be in a park, certainly not a glamorous location, and when she heads back to see her childhood family home, it’s clear that her life in Melbourne is very different to what she knew growing up.
Kim, Luann, Kenya, Porsha, Melissa…have I missed anyone, oh yeah, it’s Gamble Breaux and she’s in the recording studio, laying down vocals for her foray into the music world. The song has real meaning to her and her relationship with Rick, new life and new starts, and she gets quite emotional talking about it. Sally pops along is pleasantly surprised at how good Gamble sounds!
Next, it’s the big birthday for Venus’ daughter Sophia! Sally and Gamble are first to arrive and we see that Venus’ whole house has been turned into an enchanted garden – it really does look amazing, so much going on for what’s supposed to be a surprise party. Sally asks who will be joining and Venus lets her know that all the girls are coming along. This spurs Sally into a rant about Gina, Gamble’s opinion that Gina’s icing Sally out of the group. This hasn’t happened, but Sally is really defensive, saying that Gina is annoyed the Sally doesn’t kowtow to her, and calls her out on the things she says to the other girls.
Venus’ daughters arrive and are totally shocked, Venus welcomes everyone and thanks them for coming. Cut to a confessional, and we see Janet question whether the party is more for Venus than Sophia, it’s the usual catty Janet, nothing nice or positive ever seems to come out of her mouth. The rest of the ladies turn up and things quickly get heated – Gamble starts on how cute Sophia’s nose is, turning it into an attack on Venus’ decision to get hers done. She casts back to the make-up masterclass and talks about how extreme Venus’ face looks with all the plastic surgery – Gamble has really dug herself into a hole here, Venus gets upset and Jackie goes to comfort her. Gamble appear completely oblivious to the upset that she has called, not even realising what she was saying to Venus was hurtful. Turning back to the whole point of the party, and it’s time for Sophia to get her gifts. Janet presents Sophia with a rocking horse…turns out though, it was actually Gina that brought the horse and she gets suitably pissed off with Janet!
To close the episode, Gina gets Janet one on one to discuss their issues, but Jackie is hovering around listening in. Both the ladies talk about how upset they are, Janet because Gina has been spreading the rumours about how she and Sam broke up because of her excessive drinking. Gina owns that she had heard that was the reason but tries to make Janet see that she’s not maliciously spreading gossip. Lydia joins in and is put on the spot, agreeing that she had also heard the same rumours. In the end, Gina says she’s not putting up with Janet’s behaviour any longer and leaves the party.
Next week it’s the season finale, fireworks abound as a heated dinner turns even uglier...
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Photo Credit: Foxtel