Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author (Good Tea), and they do not reflect in any way those of iRealHousewives.com.
Andy started the reunion off with his awkward hellos and we learned that Stephanie is still renovating that house and Brandi is having trouble conceiving because she is post menopausal. That's a plot twist. It wasn't long before the girls dove into Brandi and Stephanie's beef which was over Steph's Bravo blog that had nothing to do with bad mouthing Brandi. So I guess they had a falling out over nothing? Both girls started to tear up but it looks like they are still BFF's! LeeAnne's two faced Halloween costume also got brought up and LeeAnne finally had to chance to address Stephanie's two-faced behaviour that she displayed in her confessions all season long! Remember her joke about LeeAnne's flesh eating bacteria? D'Andra also stated that she would of thrown LeeAnne out of her house if she dressed up as her but obviously Stephanie's balls aren't as big as Miss Simmons.
LeeAnne tried to blame the two-faced costume on her PTSD from her childhood which set Brandi right off because LeeAnne had never brought up her PTSD when Brandi was talking about her brother's issues. LeeAnne told her to be careful and then all Brandi's tears came out. I am beyond over these girls pretending to be scared of LeeAnne. It's also pretty clear that LeeAnne and Brandi's friendship is D-E-A-D! I don't think LeeAnne used her PTSD as an excuse because her past is the reason she doesn't react well to being in bad situations.
We moved on to Little Miss Westcott who still lives in a bright pink bubble. I don't know if it was her quick wit or her snatched pony but I am actually starting to like Kameron. I know I've slammed her all season but this reunion might of changed my mind. She spilled the tea that even though dog's are colourblind it's the women who buy the pink food and they had to incorporate the brown kibble into the pink food because the dog's were pooping pink. Kam claimed that her business is booming but has anyone seen her husband clapping back at bad reviews on Amazon? Now that is some mess!
The next package was Kameron and Brandi's made for TV feud. Right out of the gates Brandi called Kam "Big Bird" and she fired right back by calling her "Oscar the Grouch." I think that line won me over. Kameron complained that she was bullied by a sex toy and Brandi confessed that she didn't bring Sexual Chocolate to the reunion because she knew it made her uncomfortable. Aww, progress! I bet Andy was sad he didn't meet Mr Chocolate. All the way through the reunion the girls brought up how almost everyones husband had insulted another girl on Twitter which is so stupid. It's called the Real HouseWIVES of Dallas. The men all need to sit down and keep their hands away from their phones. It's not their fight.
This reunion moved really quickly, it could of easily been a 3 parter. D'Andra was in the hot seat about her life, where she dished about the attention her hot husband Jeremy has been getting and she also talked about raising her step son Keaton. D'Andra is so cute, love her!
For the rest of the reunion the topic changed solely to HBIC LeeAnne Locken. In short, D'Andra is the only one who believes that her therapy is working, there is no police report and the girls still feel "unsafe" around LeeAnne. UGH! If she was going to pop you, wouldn't she of done it by now? I definitely think Andy isn't LeeAnne's biggest fan because his was treating her the same way he treats Kenya at these reunions. Isn't this the man who is supposed to be impartial. Steph brought up how LeeAnne always makes her "threats" off camera but Miss Locken was done at this point. She was getting roasted so bad I'm surprised she didn't walk out of that reunion looking like burnt piece of toast!
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10pm/9c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!
Please follow Sam's shady and fun celeb blog Good Tea and follow his blog on social media via Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!
Photo Credit: Bravo