Danielle Staub is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Danielle Staub reacts to Dolores Catania's comments and questions her loyalty to Teresa Giudice.
Danielle writes:
"Let me begin by saying that this is a pretty accurate portrayal of what it’s really like to be around Jersey girls. We are all very strong-minded women with equally strong personalities and opinions. Not one of us is a wallflower. We all speak our minds, even though at times the person we may be speaking to can be a little intimidating...
As a viewer, I am not sure how you all feel about the following details, but here’s how it felt with a front row seat:
Margaret was brought in by Siggy. This much has been established, but when it comes to Dolores saying, "Who brought you in is who you stay with" (not exact words), she's being a hypocrite. Teresa brought Dolores in, yet I haven't seen her around Teresa. I know for a fact that her friendships are treasured, but personally, I haven't seen it.
All of us were invited to Boca by Siggy, and what a nice thing for her to include Margaret and I. But once we arrived, no calls, no texts were received from Siggy—not on my end anyway—and I am not certain that I directly did anything to Siggy except fall in love with Margaret. I cannot for the life of me figure out how it is that you claim to help heal relationships when you are so diabolical in your own relationships (friendships). Blaming others for your failed moments with those of us you call friends is not a good look on you, or anyone for that matter, especially since you are looked up to by so many to help them navigate their own relationships.
Honey, saying I was "crawling up Teresa's ass" was totally uncalled for! You as a self-proclaimed relationship expert should be ashamed of yourself. Instead of celebrating the fact that Teresa and I are working on our relationship of 11 years, you are so disrespectful to try and suggest anything different.
Someone mentions a trigger, and you pull that trigger with, "TRASHY, TRASHY, TRASHY!" Who in the world would say that is the behavior of a relationship expert? Not classy, not nice, and not the behavior of a lady from Jersey, Boca, or anywhere! But thank you so much for inviting me. I had a blast, and it felt wonderful.
So much to address here! You fired the first shot—just remember that! You know very well that crazy is the new sane, so where does that leave you? You should practice what you preach, sista. "Who brought you in is who you stay with." So why is it that you are not with Teresa, and why is it that you don't have her back "5000%"? Inquiring minds want to know. It bothered me to hear you threaten bodily harm to Margaret. You don't even know her, so why in the world would you say such a thing? As a mother and a person, I felt you went too far...just saying! Who's crazy now?
The wreath ceremony was gorgeous! Thank you, Margaret, for doing this for US! At first, I was emotional, thinking, “Here’s this complete stranger coming up with ways to help heal the pain Teresa is going through,” and that was enough for me. Very touching, loving, and kind, and reflects the person you truly are, MJ! As it turned out, you did something cathartic for all of us! I will never forget this as long as I live!
I absolutely love that you speak the truth, stand up for that which is right, and much to your credit, you hold everyone accountable for their actions! You go, girl!
The cake...OMG, can this be the end of the cake? LOL! Thank you for having my back after I told Siggy that you, Teresa, Margaret, and I were not "trash." I do, however, feel like you deserve a birthday do-over. You did not deserve the way Siggy and Dolores treated you on your birthday! Next time, cake’s on me, little one.
Loved doing yoga together! I would love to get you into a few classes with me, because I think you'd be a natural with that hot little body of yours!
I hated the way that Siggy spoke to us, much like the way my parents spoke to me before going into Sunday Mass—only we’re adults. Perhaps we should all ask Siggy if it was mature when she dumped her red wine on the table at dinner, ruining your new Chanel bag and nearly landing on Margaret's beautiful white lace top. Thank God I wore black.
Joey, I absolutely loved the dinner you had at Teresa's house with your dad and all the kids. Best moment ever. Super cute family goals! But raising two daughters myself, I sadly have to inform you that Antonia will be a little younger than 48 years old when she gets a boyfriend. She is beautiful and seems to have a head on her shoulders, Daddy! Be proud. I see her making the right decisions.
I had such a beautiful time bonding with you in Boca. I cannot imagine that we were ever not as close as we are becoming now that everyone is leaving us alone to find our friendship. I do hope Siggy and Dolores will allow us our space and time to continue our long awaited journey! I would love everyone to be supportive of us, and I feel most are!
The wreath ceremony was cathartic. It was so very kind of Margaret to do this for you, and it turned into us all sharing a beautiful powerful healing moment. I appreciate you having such a big heart and allowing us all in to your farewell to your beautiful mommy.
The swim lesson day was one of my favorite moments in Boca! You were so cute taking your swimming lesson, and I am so happy you were able to enjoy yourself and laugh a little. BTW, it didn't hurt that we got you a Greek god to instruct you! I am certain it was a treat for him as well...I mean, come on: You're a hottie! I'm glad you looked LOL!
Thank you for standing your ground at Siggy's dinner. I felt she was completely out of line, and let’s all be honest…the food was too salty!
It’s true what you said in your interview: Who would think you and I would be on the same side of an argument? I think we've shocked the world, but here’s the truth: This is just the beginning. I am "standing strong" and right by your side! We relate on so many levels, and I am thrilled we had our love of yoga to close the gap and open the door to our journey! Everyone could use a little namaste!"
What do you think about Danielle’s blog?
The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Wednesday nights at 9pm/8c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo