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Stephanie Hollman Talks About The Memphis Trip And Her Friendships With Brandi Redmond And Cary Deuber!

Stephanie Hollman is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. Stephanie Hollman talks about the Memphis trip and admits to kissing Brandi Redmond's booty out of fear.

Stephanie writes:

"I was really excited to go on this trip to Memphis. I was tired of fighting with LeeAnne Locken, I am over this housing dilemma with Travis and I am relieved to have my best friend back! Needless to say, I was emotionally exhausted and needed a weekend away with my girls!

It makes my heart so happy that Brandi Redmond invited not only myself, but Cary Deuber along on this little adventure. Over the summer I began to see a softer, sweeter side to Cary that I hadn’t seen before. When Brandi and I talked, she expressed a little bit of jealousy that I was hanging out with Cary and not her, but I didn’t want Cary to ever be exclusively my friend! It warmed my heart that Brandi got to see that side as well on this trip and hopefully we can all be supportive of one another and have each other’s backs. That’s what real friends do, and I consider both of these girls to be my real friends!

 But now on to a serious issue that I want to get off my chest! I don’t think it is fair that I hold this in and let it fester so I might as well just be honest…I hate fishing! Nothing about the sport interests me, and maybe that is partly because I just don’t like participating in sports. Up to this point, the only thing I have ever caught was a good deal on some salmon at Whole Foods. I know some people take pride in eating the food they catch but that is not this girl! I will take pride in picking the restaurant that serves the best fish! While on the topic of being honest, I don’t think I will ever get the image of that poor little worm looking me right in the eyes as Cary stabbed a giant hook through his body and he slowly died. RIP worm!

As I mentioned to Cary on the trip, Brandi and I did not jump right back to where we left off as friends, nor did it feel like old times- it was better. I think at some point we got so close, maybe even too close, to the point of where we lost boundaries with one another and that is when things started getting a little messy. Coming back into the relationship, I believe that we both have respectful boundaries set with one another and that honestly makes me cherish her that much more. We are re-kindling our relationship and slowly building! But I will say, and Cary pointed this out, I was kissing Brandi’s booty out of fear that she would change her mind and not want to be my friend anymore. I’ve lost her once; I’m not going to lose her again. That is my best friend and me kissing her butt is me showing her how much I truly do care, because I want her to feel special, loved, and supported.

My heart reached forD'Andra Simmons in this episode! I don’t have a comment on what happened between them because I don’t believe that I should have an opinion. Why? Not because I don’t love D’Andra and her family, but because judging someone’s parenting, is totally wrong in my opinion. Parenting is the toughest job, no matter if you’re a biological parent or step parent, it is no easy task. I know this has to be a very tough moment to re-live for her family, but it just goes to show that no matter the number of digits you have in your bank account, or what zip code you live in, we all face struggles and should focus on supporting each other through those trials.

My heart broke for Brandi as she waited at her grandma’s door with no answer! I wanted nothing more than to be there with her in that moment and hold her hand through it, but I knew this was something she needed to do alone. I am so thankful that her mom was there with her during this time, because I am sure as many of you can relate, even as an adult there is nothing like the warm embrace from your sweet mama in a moment of sadness! I was so honored to receive an invite on this trip and being able to sit in bed that night, surround her with love, and remind her how special she is to us made it all worth it."

What do you think about Stephanie’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10pm/9c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo