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Stephanie Hollman: “I Was Very Surprised To Hear How Much LeeAnne Knew About My Home”

Stephanie Hollman is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. Stephanie Hollman reveals the current status of her home remodel.

Stephanie writes:

"You all amaze me each and every week with the love and support you not only show me, but #RHOD in general! Thank you so, so, so much for another week of kindness and love!

If Travis wants to make this his James Bond, glass elevator, sharks swimming in the living room house, we aren’t moving in! I love his imagination and creative thoughts, but I want them to stay right where they belong – in his head! Travis flips multiple properties a year, so buying and renovating homes is nothing new to him. What is new is my involvement. I usually let him do his thing and stay out of his way, because I don’t know real estate trends and what’s hot on the market. But what I do know is what is best for my family, and that is what is proving to be difficult for us in this situation. Travis is seeing this through “profit” eyes; I am seeing it through my “mom” eyes! Mama is not backing down on this!

Thankfully, and if you follow me on social media you have probably already seen, I do win this fight! This past week the pool was covered, the elevator is nowhere near the middle of the room, and the boys’ playroom is almost complete. Our compromise: Travis has a detached man-cave where he has full design control! Win-win!

I do have a confession that I need to make. Ever since I was a little girl, it has always been my dream to live next to Heidi Dillon! Growing up in the small town of Coweta, Oklahoma I knew that the only way I could insert myself into the Dallas social scene would be to buy a home right next to hers so that we could be neighbors, have coffee together on our patios, braid each other’s hair, and skip off into the sunset. Just kidding! I actually didn’t even know she was my neighbor until after Travis had bought the house. And contrary to popular belief, I am actually a huge home-body. My sweatpants are where I find my comfort! I would much rather spend an evening watching movies on the couch with my boys than having a night on the town. The only social circle I am concerned about getting in to is the one my boys create when they build a fort in my living room! Heidi, we can build our own fort! #NoBoysAllowed

I was very surprised to hear how much Leeanne knew about my home. It is strange to me, because I didn’t tell anyone that we had purchased it, not even the neighbors. I am not one to go around bragging or boasting about my purchases, because I think that things we purchase for our family are for my family. Travis and I actually bought and sold two other properties during this time, but they didn’t seem to have any interest in those, so why this one? It seems like every nice thing that I receive by surprise (bracelet, house, etc.) LeeAnne seems to be upset about. Why can’t we be happy for other people’s successes?

Showing Brandi our new home was very exciting for me. I had not shown anyone our home up until this point and it looked as if Travis and I were going to keep it, so I was excited to get her thoughts on the property. I enjoy sharing big moments in life with my best friend, and I was not going to let this one pass by. Friends support and encourage one another, and so I was happy to share this moment with her! I feel a slumber party coming on!

I can see why Kameron was upset that Cary and I both received a gift in front of her and she didn’t, but she and Brandi have not been friends up to this point, so would it have made sense for her to receive a gift? I do agree that it was bad timing and maybe we should have done that in a more private space. I will say though, Brandi’s daughter was standing right there, and just as I was not OK with our kids being exposed to our conversation at the dog park, I think that Kameron’s discomfort could have been addressed in a more private environment as well. Regardless, I am excited for this girl’s trip! Memphis here we come!"

What do you think about Stephanie’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10pm/9c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo