Meanwhile, D’Andra Simmons demands to know when her mother will finally turn over the family business and is surprised when she hears the real reason. And when Brandi invites Cary Deuber and Stephanie to Memphis right in front of Kameron, it sparks a fight about etiquette and manners. Watch a sneak peek preview below!
In this clip, Brandi Redmond and bestie Stephanie Hollman decide to go on their first date since their reconciliation and start off their date with tequila shots.
In this other clip, Stephanie and husband Travis butt heads over renovations of their new home.
In this other clip, D'Andra Simmons calls out her bestie LeeAnne Locken for her recent behavior at Stephanie Hollman's Halloween Party!
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10pm/9c on Bravo. For International #RealHousewives TV Listings, click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo