Meghan and Lydia went on a walk to discuss last weeks drag king drama. Meghan was complaining about Kelly but Lydia stopped her by saying that she actually agreed with Kelly. Of course this tipped Meghan right over the edge! Here's some advice Messy King Edmonds: not everybody is going to agree with you, deal with it! And since when were Lydia and Meghan even friends? Meghan attacked Kelly's marriage and Kelly attacked back. It is the same thing. She keeps saying that Kelly attacked her when she was 7 months pregnant. Well why was Meghan getting involved in Kelly's business when she was pregnant? Meghan is all hyped up on hormones and cries at all times - this isn't what I want to watch. Someone needs to make a rule that Housewives can't have kids younger than 5 because it is not fun to watch. Messy needs to go! Lydia also needs to hand her orange back. She is always "surprised" when there is drama. You are on The Real Housewives of Orange County I would be surprised if their wasn't drama!
Peggy also performed her weekly routine of not understanding normal phrases that her husband uses. This woman has lived in America since she was one year old and has an english degree - so I have no idea how she has never heard these phrases used before. She has also been married to her husband for 22 years so wouldn't she of heard HIM use these phrases before. She needs to stop acting on reality TV. She isn't funny, she isn't cute. We can all see through her bullshit!
My favourite part of the episode was Tamra's awkward phone call with Vicki. Tamra's in her kitchen making a cheesecake and Vicki calls her on an unknown ID. Does Tamra not have Vicki's number? She did block her? Did Vicki get a new phone? I need to know these things. Vicki asked her to have coffee and I could tell that deep, deep down Tamra wants to be Vicki's friend again. These two girls are the reason the show has been so successful. They have given us some of the best scenes in Housewives History and their rollercoaster friendship is a main storyline every single season. Vicki awkwardly joked that Tamra can't cook and it reminded me of the magic these two used to have. I want them to be besties again except Vicki completely flushed that down the toilet by the end of the episode!
How is it that in each Housewives city they all manage to have birthdays around the same time? In New York, Bethenny and Ramona have birthdays in November, in Beverly Hills, Erika, Rinna and Dorit all have birthdays in June and in the OC arch enemies Vicki and Shannon have birthdays in March. Watching both these girls celebrate their birthdays was uncomfortable in different ways.
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Photo Credit: Bravo