LeeAnne Locken is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. LeeAnne Locken thinks that Cary Deuber is behind text-gate all along - and explains why she thinks Stephanie Hollman is disingenuous in her efforts with Brandi Redmond.
LeeAnne writes:
"Howdy! Did y’all RELISH your time with us tonight? I thoroughly enjoyed playing #wheresthewiener with everyone on Twitter. Y’all kept me laughing the whole night!! Thank you for all of the hilarious GIFs and #dickpics. Remember to be safe and use your condiments!!
Let’s jump right in - Brandi Redmond did the right thing by asking Cary Deuber to lunch and bringing up the text message. After Mark’s party, I told Brandi that I had pulled Cary to the side to address the text message and to let her know that Cary completely denied saying anything to Stephanie. The tension between Brandi and Cary was so thick, I felt like I could have cut it with my knife or sanded down the rough edges. I recall when Stephanie took Cary to New York Fashion Week and excluded Brandi. I spent a lot of time listening to her on the phone and truly felt Brandi’s pain. That weekend did serious damage to Brandi’s heart and their relationship.
I don’t know what kind of games Stephanie is playing with Brandi or Cary but I’m not entertained by any of it. I’ve always liked to live a very honest and direct life but I continue to learn that I am in the minority here. Did Cary say something to Stephanie? Did Stephanie make it up all on her own? I find myself left with more questions than answers.
Watching D'Andra Simmons and her mother on camera is just like being a part of one of their actual conversations. What you see with these two is exactly what you get. When I met Momma Dee I was blown away by how much her relationship with D’Andra reminded me of some of the pieces of my relationship with my mother. Being part of their lives has allowed me to understand each of them independently and collectively. This is not a relationship that can be completely understood at first glance. It’s deep, delicate, sensitive and powerful: Just like these two women.
Going into the dog costume contest, I only have one thing that I want to address: THE TEXT MESSAGE. Did Cary actually say I was up to my “old ways” or is Stephanie saying that Cary said that just to get closer to Brandi? This is the only question I have on my mind!
When Stephanie arrives, it immediately becomes uncomfortable. I felt like sitting on the other side of the table would help me to be able to read Stephanie’s FACE. I love that Cary says she thought we all needed to sit down and talk about everything in front of each other. Then, the second we sit down to talk - Cary in her confessional says, "I’m over this text message"? Are you kidding me? This was your idea!
For Cary to say I’m making this text message about me is ridiculous because GUESS WHAT? It’s about HER! It’s about someone lying about us and I think we both deserve the truth! When Cary starts personally attacking me in this confessional is when I start questioning if this whole thing wasn’t manipulated by Cary from the beginning! Are you wanting to dismiss the text so quickly because you are actually the person behind it? I was the one who asked you to meet with me in the park that day because I wanted to give an honest opportunity at a real relationship with you. Listening to how you talk about me in this confessional makes me question if you ever really gave me a chance. That is sad to me! And let’s never compare you needing rest to God needing rest. SERIOUSLY?!
When Stephanie says she thinks I’m manipulating Brandi and that she is afraid I’m going to hurt her is when I start to see red! Here is a woman who has said horrible things about her own "sister" but she has decided that I am the evil one who is going to hurt Brandi. It is clear to me at this point that Stephanie has very solid opinions of me and has NO intentions of changing them! It explains a lot as to why once Brandi started to distance herself from Stephanie, she could finally start to see who I truly am. I get it! Stephanie thinks I’m a dick… I guess that’s why I dressed up as a wiener!!!!
Bless her heart, Stephanie continues… "If you have a problem with me, come talk to me." REALLY? Is that what you did when you sent Brandi the text message? Do as I say, not as I do. And then… the most insincere apology I have ever heard. When someone apologizes to you in .5 seconds after insulting or lying about you, it is not genuine! Then in her confessional, Stephanie makes it very clear that she does not care what I have to say. She is there to manipulate Brandi back into her life.
D’Andra’s assessment of this conversation is spot on! It is spot on and freaking hilarious which is why I love her. Because she doesn’t play games and she won’t stand for them to be played in front of her!
And now for the moment, Stephanie has been waiting for… a chance to win Brandi back. “Okay, this is the thing. Our children are friends. Our husbands are friends.” This is what you choose to say to someone you deeply miss and love? Uhm, what about BRANDI??? When Tiffany and I had a falling out and didn’t speak for two years, the second she called I had goosebumps running all over my body and all I wanted to do was crawl through the phone and hug her and show her how much I loved her and missed her. I just don’t feel like talking about everyone other than the person you “love” is really a sincere way to go. Then the truth is revealed, “We are hurting people we love and it’s not fair to them.” What does that have to do with your relationship with Brandi? It sounds like you just want to make up for the peace of your family. I’m just calling ‘em like I see ‘em.
When Brandi says, “I felt like I had to step away because you didn’t appreciate our friendship” is when the lightbulb goes on! Now rewind and watch Stephanie not even make eye contact with Brandi when she professes that Brandi is like a sister to her. And then Stephanie turns the conversation right back around to her own feelings. You haven’t once asked Brandi how she is feeling.
I want to make it very clear to everyone that I have told Brandi several times that her relationship with Stephanie is separate from my relationship with her. If she chooses to make amends with Stephanie, it should not affect our new friendship.
Y’all stay tuned! ‘Cause next week we find out who is Two-Faced at the Hollman Halloween Party!"
What do you think about LeeAnne’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10pm/9c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo