Kim Zolciak-Biermann appeared on Wednesday’s episode of Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry, where she was told she’d be “fine” after suffering a stroke in 2015. Even though the Don't Be Tardy star recovered, her the health scare still weighs heavily on her mind.
Luckily for her, Henry was able to connect with her uncle Rusty — who died after suffering a stroke — while also receiving signs about Zolciak-Biermann’s stroke.
“One is a stroke that an individual suffers and then passes away,” Henry said, stunning Zolciak-Biermann and her husband Kroy Biermann. “The other is an incident in which someone has a close call involving a stroke, or something like a stroke, but they actually live and survive through this.”
The mother of six was quick to explain “that would be me.”
“I had a stroke Sept. 23 of 2015 from a blood clot, ” she recalled. “I was flying from L.A. back home to Atlanta from Dancing with the Stars. I went down to hug my son as soon as I pulled into my driveway, and then my hand started to go numb — but it was numb times a gazillion, not the normal shake it off. Then I couldn’t speak and I was trying to, and it was so scary.”
“The stroke was life changing — literally,” she added. “I never thought at 37 I would have a stroke, and in front of my children nonetheless. I’ve pretty much fully recovered, but I can’t say that I don’t think, ‘Could this happen again?’ ”
Henry was able to calm her nerves. “I’m sure that’s a very sensitive, scary issue, especially when something happens out of nowhere like that,” he told the couple. “I think when he came through, the biggest acknowledgement was really just to talk about that ultimately you would be fine.”
That’s exactly what Zolciak-Biermann needed. “The message that I really wanted today was from my uncle Rusty, like everything’s fine,” she said.
Transcript courtesy via PEOPLE
Photo/Video Credit: E!
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