Ramona Singer is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on last week's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Ramona Singer opens up about her feud with co-star Bethenny Frankel.
Ramona writes:
"How many mothers can say that their 22 year old daughter is capable of giving them advice? Well as you saw on tonight's episode I can!! And I am proud of that. It shows me how much Avery has learned. I have been a very strong mother to her and she has learned to evolve into her own person. It's wonderful to be able to have a relationship the way we do, that I can confide in her and ask her opinion. I respect what she has to say. She may be my daughter, but she does things "from an outside point of view". And as she said it even happens to her, the "why me?"
Truthfully the riff that is happening with Bethenny and I does continue and gets worse before it gets better. When I look back and think about it all, it's almost like we are in high school and she is holding the grudge against me for "doing the wrong thing". I can go over and over what I should have said, how I should have said it, but I won't. The frustration of the entire situation makes me react to her in ways that I couldn't control. She really actually knows how to push my buttons.
I know that I do not hold grudges. We all make mistakes, each and every one of us. I chose to share how I feel and if I am disappointed or hurt by someone I tell them. I take a few days to cool off and then I realize that these things happen. I move forward. I may be more cautious but I do not end friendships, nor do I hold grudges. It goes back to the "girl code" we talked about last season. We should protect each other.
My intention was never to hurt or embarrass Bethenny. I know my delivery was horrid. I have always been there for Bethenny and always will."
What do you think about Ramona’s blog?
The Real Housewives of New York City airs Wednesday nights at 9pm/8c on Bravo! For International TV Listings, click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo