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The Real Housewives Of Auckland Cast Members Discuss Possibility Of Second Season!

The cast of The Real Housewives of Auckland reunited last week as they welcomed their counterparts from across the ditch during a preview screening of The Real Housewives of Sydney. Angela Stone, Anne Batley Burton, Gilda Kirkpatrick, Julia Sloane, Louise Wallace and Michelle Blanchard all reunited and welcomed RHOS ladies Krissy Marsh and Nicole O'Neil to New Zealand, where they were promoting the upcoming new Foxtel series.

As for the RHOAKL ladies, none them had heard anything about a possible second season of the Bravo New Zealand show, however a few did express interest in a sequel.

Anne Batley Burton, who hosted the afternoons festivities said she would be hoping for a second season of the Real Housewives of Auckland, as would Angela Stone.

"Hopefully it [RHOS] means that there is a chance for a season two for us... Fingers crossed," Batley Burton told Stuff. "I think most of us would come back. We have all had our ups and downs of course but all-in-all it has been an amazing experience for all of us and we have had a lot of fun."

However The Real Housewives of Auckland appeared to enjoy the antics of their Sydney mates as the room filled with laughter.

Two of the Australians, Krissy Marsh and Nicole O'Neil, were welcomed into the exclusive Housewives club with open arms.

Krissy Marsh said she had enjoyed the first season of the Auckland series. "We loved it, Australia and New Zealand are like sisters so we had to watch it and support them," said Marsh.

Photo Credit: Bravo New Zealand