The drama between Ed Hartwell and Keshia Knight Pulliam continues! Originally the two were at war when former Real Housewives of Atlanta husband denied being the father of Keshia's baby - then it was determined that Hartwell was in fact the father of Pulliam's daughter, Ella Grace via a paternity test. Now the two are battling over child support agreements.
The ex-NFL star wants to pump the breaks on signing any checks until a judge determines the exact amount, reports TMZ.
Lisa Wu's ex-husband is not keen on paying as he believes Pulliam is not in financial distress, according to court documents. He also wants the child actress to factor in the cost of creating a nursery at his home.
Pulliam gave birth in January and kept details quiet from Hartwell, who heard the news through his lawyer.
“He didn’t get a call or anything [from Knight Pulliam or her family],” insiders told Page Six. “Ed basically found out at the same time as the rest of the world.”
The two have been battling for quit some time now. The former couple called it quits in July 2016 just days after Pulliam announced she was expecting. Up until this point, Hartwell doubted he was the child’s father.
We will bring you more updates as they become available.
Photo Credit: Getty Images
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