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Matt Jordan Accuses Kenya Moore Of Cheating On Him With A Married Man!

Kenya  Moore and Matt Jordan may no longer be an item – however the drama between the two continues! After The Real Housewives of Atlanta star slammed her ex-boyfriend for vandalizing her Moore Manor, he fired back by accusing her of  being with a married man.

The drama kicked off when Moore discussed Jordan’s on-camera violence behavior on The B. Scott Show. “It’s just one of the things that I’ve been dealing with regarding his anger and his emotional outbursts,” she said. “Before, in Mexico, you know he admitted to kicking in the door and having that outburst. That was the first time I saw him get like that since we had been dating — for over a year.”

Moore denied claims that Jordan’s explosive behavior isn’t a result of drug use or excessive drinking. “I can’t say [his anger] is from steroids because I don’t have any proof of that,” she explained. “But, I was concerned with the behavior and at some point I did question it.”

Jordan responded to her interview by apologizing for destroying her glass garage door, garage door, outdoor security camera and Range Rover in the August 15th incident.

“I should have never damaged anyone’s property,” he wrote. “I admit guilt. I admit fault.”

But Jordan then slammed Moore for “disrespecting” him!

“I sat in the hospital waiting room for 5 hours wondering what was wrong with shorty,” he wrote. “I sat and watched her hold hands with another man while I sat back and watched (yes we were already seeing each other.) I had to find out from some third party person that she was dealing with some married men in Nigeria for money, and that one of them cut her off because she talked about the relationship that was supposed to be private. How you think that made me feel? She claimed she loved me?”

He continued, “Then tell my mother he is a investor you use him to fund your hair line. You are evil! You saying he used to date your friend? Who Kenya? Then why you letting him call you baby sweetie hunnie? Yeah I have my own issues and I’m angry so when I went to the hospital last year because of depression just say why… why Kenya? Because you were in L.A. doing God knows what!”

Moore and Jordan ended their tumultuous relationship in November. She’s denied his allegations.

Transcript courtesy via Radar Online

Photo Credit: Google Images