However, the fight continue between Beador vs. Rossi and Rovsek on Twitter during the weekend. Rossi claims that the ladies even tried to reach Bravo to put an end of the Twitter feud, however since they're no longer cast members, Bravo cannot intervene in their social media feud. See the drama for yourself below!
It's becoming laughable. Basically if u disagree w/ @ShannonBeador u r nonexistent #SBforprez🙌🏼 she can host a gang up & can't handle POVS— Lizzie Rovsek (@LizzieRovsek) September 24, 2016
"Amen!! And they even called Bravo PR crying trying to get us to stop. Sorry they don't get to tell us anymore what we can or can't post #cantstopthetruth," wrote Rossi.
Amen!! And they even called Bravo PR crying trying to get us to stop 🙊🙊 Sorry they don't get to tell ...— Gretchen Rossi (@GretchenRossi) September 24, 2016
@GretchenRossi Wait, they called Bravo!?— AndyCohensFanPage (@LoveAndyC) September 24, 2016
@LoveAndyC yep 🙊— Gretchen Rossi (@GretchenRossi) September 24, 2016
@GretchenRossi WHY?! The whole thing was a sh*tshow, personally, but what does she think Bravo can do? Good grief. What a whiner.— AndyCohensFanPage (@LoveAndyC) September 24, 2016
When a fan asked Rossi the reason why they would call Bravo to complain about Rossi, Rovsek and Dodd, Gretchen responded: "@LoveAndyC exactly my point! I guess they thought Kelly had put us up to tweeting on her behalf (which she didn't) and they didn't like what we were tweeting 🙊 probably because we were calling them out on their bs."
@LoveAndyC exactly my point! I guess they thought Kelly had put us up to tweeting on her behalf (which she ...— Gretchen Rossi (@GretchenRossi) September 24, 2016
Then, Beador fired back at both Rossi and Rovsek.
@LizzieRovsek Stop. Had to finally say something after your non-stop nasty tweets abt David & I. Last time I checked you're not on the show.— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) September 26, 2016
@GretchenRossi How many days are you going to be tweeting about me? Give it a rest. I met you once at my home & was nothing but kind to you— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) September 26, 2016
@MomFawcett @GretchenRossi Met Gretchen once at party at my home. Was only kind to her. She thinks she knows me?Give me a break. #obsessive— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) September 26, 2016
Rossi fired back at Shannon by saying the following: "@ShannonBeador @MomFawcett I said I know you, because I do know you. It's not like we have never meet before. I didn't say "we are best friends or hang out" get over yourself Shannon. You think everyone is obsessed over you. Your starting to sound like Tamra."
@ShannonBeador @MomFawcett I said I know you, because I do know you. It's not like we have never meet ...— Gretchen Rossi (@GretchenRossi) September 26, 2016
@GretchenRossi Oh wow. You act like you know me. I m done w/ ur nasty tweets. You know nothing. You will do anything to stay relevant. #joke— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) September 26, 2016
@GretchenRossi @MomFawcett You are ridiculous. Met you once when u were one of 300 guests at my home and saw you at a restaurant for 3 min.— Shannon Beador (@ShannonBeador) September 26, 2016
Then, Gretchen fired back at Shannon for calling her irrelevant: "@ShannonBeador @HopeCharm I have constantly filmed for other shows since leaving RHOC....hate to break it to you but being on RHOC does not determine relevance. And you have your facts wrong about my guy. However unlike you, I only wish the best for you."
@ShannonBeador @HopeCharm I have constantly filmed for other shows since leaving RHOC....hate to break it ...— Gretchen Rossi (@GretchenRossi) September 26, 2016
I've said this before and i'll say it again, Bravo needs to bring back Lizzie and Gretchen back to RHOC for Season 12 to even the plain field because everyone vs. Vicki and Kelly it's getting old.
What do you guys think? Sound off in the comment section below!
Photo Credit: Bravo