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RHONY Recap: Reunion Part 3 [Episode 23]

by: Sam Allan

Aww this is the last recap of the year for the New York housewives, I'm gonna miss their skinny asses on my TV screen and I can't wait for April next year! So let's get into the conclusion of their very shady reunion.

We started off with a clip of Sober Sonja. It covered everything from the Tipsy Girl drama, getting excluded from the group and Ramonja getting back together, aww so cute! Now Sonja did tell Andy and the ladies that she stops every year but this year she just didn't start up again, however she does have a few sips here and there, mmm we see you Lady Morgan. They talked about the Tipsy Girl drama and Sonja said that she understood where Bethenny was coming from and that she cared? Umm she said she wants nothing to do with you but okay. Suddenly Dorinda came in and called Sonja delusional saying that she tried to protect her in the Berkshires and then Sonja started to go a little off the rails. She was upset Dorinda excluded her and everyone just said it was one night. I get that it was only one horrific night but Dorinda literally invited everyone else and I think that Sonja so could of handled the Berkshires. Also did anyone see how Ramona was gonna do Tipsy Girl first? Shady boots!

Sonja started crying about getting excluded and asked why she was only suitable for the 'dry cleaner' party and Dorinda clapped back with 'Stop calling him the dry cleaner you stupid idiot!' HA! Bethenny had a little joke in there that John knows how to clean up messes but I was too made at her to appreciate it. Anyway Sonja got up and attempted to walk off saying that she wanted Dorinda to apologise and she kinda looked like a 6 year old, no offence Sonja! I think that Sonja did so good keeping her cool this whole reunion and the "walk off" kinda let her down, well here's hoping she's back for season 9!

The next clip was all about 'the fun' in Miami, the shade of it all! It covered Sonja's yacht shade, Luann's engagement party, Ramona vs Dorinda and Carole's one contribution this season: her being late to dinner? Eh I am so over her skinny ass. So Lu said that she wasn't worried the girls meeting Tom and also spilled the tea that her ex Jaq is coming to her wedding? Whatever floats your boat Lu. Sonja apologised for her throwing shade at the yacht and the ring which was just weird to watch. Bethenny and Dorinda got into a little spat about the village idiot that seriously made me loose a few brain cells. Andy even got his shade in when he told Bethenny told Dorinda she's really angry today and he said 'well you are too'. Jules said that Carole is different when she's not with Bethenny, Carole defended herself - eh that was like the only thing that she said in this whole reunion!

Please follow Sam's shady and fun celeb blog Good Tea and follow his blog on social media via Twitter and Instagram!

Photo Credit: Bravo