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RHONJ Recap: All Bets Are Off [Episode 8]

by: Sam Allan

Jacqueline started off dishing to about her trip to her husband and daughter and she said that she thinks Teresa was being genuine with her which I think she really was. Chris seems happy but he knows its not gonna stay like this. Teresa just wants to know what the time is but Jac needs to know how the watch is made. HA! Jacko Wacko!

Things got sad when he flashed over the Dolores' house. Siggy stopped over and the girls were talking about how Dolores had to put her dog down. Aww, I feel so bad for her and she's gonna be at home watching having to relive it, aw it's okay Dolores! In true Siggy style their convo ended with a laugh. At Envy Melissa had some business beef that to be honest, I really have no time for. The jackets are cute and I agree that not everyone is a size 0 like Melissa. Plus she brought up her missing stuff for her kids but Melissa - thats what you have to sacrifice to run a successful business! Also Joe Gorga and Antonia going to the daddy daughter dance was so cute!

At the Giudice compound Juicy Joe is getting ready to go to prison and the tensions were high! Gia threw her little shade and Joe threw it right back! And did anyone notice that their dog is pink? We found out that Joe is obviously drinking a lot more and when Gia and Teresa went out for sushi Gia even said that going away would be good for him. Damn Gia is 14 going on 26! Later on Dolores called Teresa and they were talking about how Teresa is going to be a single mother. It's sad it really is and I feel like Teresa has been so real this season! Also did you know that Dolores and Teresa go way way way back to the teenager days. I feel like Dolores would of been a better fit than Danielle Staub for season 1, just saying.

We found out that Siggy is a bad driver so her son Josh was driving for her. I really like this family. They just seem like a good solid family - with some issues but who's family doesn't have issues? The Flickers are here to stay in my opinion! Anyway Josh was driving and they were talking about Siggy touches his butt too much, aw. Never change Sig!

Please follow Sam's shady and fun celeb blog Good Tea and follow his blog on social media via Twitter and Instagram!

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!

Photo Credit: Bravo