Following the April 2016 sand dune buggy accident in Glamis, California, which aired on The Real Housewives of orange County last week, Heather Dubrow recenlty revealed that she was feeling uneasy after the incident took place, but it was even harder to have to relive it all by watching the episode.
"I was very nervous about watching this episode. It was very difficult to watch. I cried watching it. I cried watching my son in the other dune buggy saying to Kelly [Dodd's] daughter, 'Your mom and my mom are okay. They're good. They're okay,'" Heather told People. "It was very difficult to watch."
"I had post traumatic stress disorder for a few weeks after that. I was waking up in the middle of the night feeling my face fall in the sand. Because the way we hit, my head hit in the sand first," she recalled. "It was the scariest thing that ever happened to me."
Getting over the accident wasn't just difficult for Heather, but also for her husband, Terry Dubrow, who had to rethink his own priorities after it all took place.
"It was very hard. What made it even harder is we actually had some friends recently that the same thing happened to and it didn't turn out the good way," he said. "It really highlighted where it could have gone. It really underscores the fact, you know what, work less, get home, love your family and be with your family."
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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