by: Sam Allan
On this week's The Real Housewives of New Jersey we finally saw Melissa open her new boutique Envy. However Joe Gorga was not happy that she wasn't at home because he believes that their marriage should be like the 1800's. Mmm, okay. And chile those Gorga kids were as crazy as the Giudice kids in this episode.
Teresa Giudice recorded her audio book and talked about her time in prison and damn I even cried a bit. It was so emotional and real! She also talked about those breakup rumours with her and Joe, and her lawyer congratulated her on paying back her debt so fast. I love Teresa but her"storyline" of prison is getting a little old now.
Dolores and her daughter dished about how they grew up extremely differently, awww I love Dolores and I feel like shes such a sweetheart who's known the girls forever and when she's mixed with Siggy who's crazy and new to the group its a perfect combo! We also saw Jacqueline and Chris deal with their financial issues and even said they tried selling there house. However Chris said he feels like they will have more money next year - thats because of those Bravo checks hunni.
We finally got introduced to Siggy's children and she brings the comedy that Jersey needed. Her daughter is always on her phone, obsessed with wearing makeup and short clothing and her son always has hickeys? I don't know that all I got. Lol. The Sig wiped off her daughters clothing and smashed her phone? Siggy brings it Jersey style.
Please follow Sam's shady and fun celeb blog Good Tea and follow his blog on social media via Twitter and Instagram!
The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Photo Credit: Bravo