Shamea Morton is engaged. The official friend of The Real Housewives of Atlanta announced that she was engaged on Instagram last week. Shamea shared the happy news with a lovely photo of herself and her new fiancé, Gerald Mwangi, who is originally from Kenya. With hashtags in the pic's caption like "#love," "#soulmate," "#bestfriend," and "#happy."
A photo posted by Shamea Morton (@shameamorton) on
The couple first met at a lounge in Atlanta, but it wasn't until they reconnected at a cook-out later in the weekend that they really hit it off. "We talked for hours and we’ve been inseparable ever since," Shamea said during an interview with Kenya's Daily Nation in January.
Shamea's bestie Porsha Williams sent her congrats to the happy couple on Instagram. "Congratulations to my bestie @shameamorton & soon to be bride!," she wrote.