Kelly Dodd is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Kelly Dodd opens up about her marriage and shares her perspective on the Brooks scandal.
Kelly writes:
"This week's episode was a challenge for our family to watch. While I enjoyed getting to know Vicki over lunch and building my relationship with Tamra and Shannon at Meghan's demolition, I'm sad that my deep respect and love for Michael didn't come through.
In retrospect, I probably tried too hard to relate to Tamra's struggles in the wake of her divorce to Simon and as a result I painted Michael in the wrong light. Michael is a brilliant man, a wonderful father and a loving, compassionate husband.
As you discover more about my relationship and family, you'll learn that Michael and I were separated and going through a divorce for almost two years. This happened 4 ½ years ago. Unfortunately divorce brings out the worst in people and despite forgiving each other, deep-harbored resentments occasionally bubble up, which was evident in my discussion with Tamra. Since Michael and I reconciled, we do our best to wholeheartedly work on our marriage.
Speaking of forgiveness, while I don't share the ladies' experience of dealing with Brooks' cancer scam, I struggle to understand why they have such a difficult time accepting Vicki's heartfelt plea for forgiveness. Shannon said, "I absolutely believe in forgiveness, BUT..." But what? Mercy doesn't come with conditions.
On the subject of BUTTs...I laughed out loud when Shannon said she had a plastic stick stuck up her a**. I could have told you that!
Don't they teach logic at the University of Spoiled Children? If so, Shannon skipped class that day. Shannon supposedly forgave David for having an affair, an act that negatively impacted her much more than any act committed against her by Vicki. So why not bury that hatchet with Vicki and try to be friends again?
At this point in the season, Tamra and I are finding a lot of common ground. We both love to laugh and we both love our families. As a mother, I understand Tamra's perspective -- there is no expiration date on love and caring. Some children take longer to leave the nest and stand completely on their own. Good moms try their best to be there for their children, regardless."
What do you think about Kelly’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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