Stephanie Hollman is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Dallas. Stephanie Hollman dishes on the importance of family and the Brandi Redmond and LeeAnne Locken drama. Stephanie writes:
"Hello Bravo fans,
I consider it an honor to be a part of a franchise that I love. It's surreal to write a blog as a "Housewife" rather than just another fan. I appreciate you following and joining me in this journey. During this time we will giggle and laugh together, be shocked, and even cry together. At the end of the day you will see that we have a lot in common. I am a mom and wife who tries to juggle many important responsibilities successfully. Sometimes I'm successful and sometimes I'm not. Managing the house, friendships, and various other things that come up from time to time are important, but my focus and passion are with my family. I want my children to grow up remembering fun, adventurous, loving, and caring parents.
Travis owns a very large company in Dallas called Hollman Inc. He travels often. He is a wonderful provider. Travis is extremely organized and obsessed with "To Do" lists. His mom made lists for him growing up. He makes them for himself even now. He's a very busy man and this method works so well for him, that he's sure it will work for me too. He loves making them for me too, especially for things to do while he is away on business. While some things on the list are normal everyday tasks, he always throws in things that can be a little manly, i.e. the garage door. The hardest thing I have ever tried to do from "the list" was to free baby birds trapped inside our walls. It took me three days and numerous calls to find out that I had to wait for them to get old enough to fly out by themselves! I don't mind helping out with things like this while he's away, but would definitely say "no" to anything related to his office and work. I think it’s important to keep that separate. I call the list "my chores" because I think it’s hilarious. But I must apologize to him for the back lash he got from my humor. Travis is from a very smart, driven family. He is just like my sweet mother-in-law. She is all about setting goals and working constantly to accomplish those goals. She is constantly on the go and always working.
When I first married Travis, I felt like I had to measure up to his family or at least what I "thought” they expected of me. I'm a people pleaser by nature and tried so hard but never felt I could measure up. After the boys were born, I realized that I had to be me and it was OK to shine in other areas. Prior to meeting Travis, I worked two jobs. I worked very hard, but I don't have the business mind set. I am kind, compassionate, and at times a little silly. My children get to experience the best of both worlds. They can get their work ethic and drive from their father and kindness, compassion, and humor from me.
My friendship with Brandi is something I treasure and love. We have so much fun! Brandi and I have been best friends for almost ten years. She is fun and doesn't take herself or life too seriously. We have the same silly humor that is often a little childish. We love annoying our husbands and friends with potty talk and our antics. Brandi and I have fun when we drink "Jesus juice." Remember, His first miracle was turning the water into wine! You never know what is going to happen with us, but you will always be entertained.
During my sister's bachelorette party, we attended a drag contest and I talked Brandi into getting on stage in the middle of the reigning drag queens act and have a dance off. The reigning queen was not entertained and kept putting Brandi back in her seat. Brandi would stand up and twirl toward the reigning drag queen again and again, making her so mad. I was so entertained that I fell over in my chair and into two rows of people! We were a mess, but my sister said it was one of the funniest nights of her life. Our friendship is silly and fun, and yes, we overshare. I have always been an over-sharer. As embarrassing as it is to have the world know that I pooped the table while giving birth, I am OK showing the world that I am not only self-deprecating, I am also self-defecating (joking!).
I do not understand LeeAnne. She seemed to target Brandi and me by putting us down the entire episode. I felt like she wanted it to appear like she was this charitable gift to Dallas and Brandi and I were just going to events to drink and get away from our children. Let me set the record straight, being a mother to my precious boys and Travis' wife is the biggest blessing of my life, and it’s not something I ever run away from! I do not get out of the house to escape my family! I go to events to show support, raise awareness, and spend time with my friends. It's healthy to have a life outside of being a mom and wife, but my family is not a burden I run from, they are a blessing I embrace.
I feel like LeeAnne is so self-absorbed with her "contributions" to society that she feels like everyone else is beneath her. Travis and I give a great deal of time and money to our community because we care. He is a member of the board of the largest domestic violence agency in Dallas. We co-chaired a very large luncheon that she attended and raised over $700,000. I run a 6 figure charity budget through Hollman Inc. In the past I worked as a Social Worker for Head Start during the day and a Catholic Charity homeless pregnancy shelter in the evenings. My life has been about helping others. The very essence of Social Work is helping others to learn how to help themselves. I resent anyone who tries to put me down to shine brighter. The charity world should bring people together to genuinely educate the masses about the needs of others to reduce suffering and sadness. It is not a world to divide and tear people down. Travis and I prefer to focus on and support women and children's issues. We always purchase a seat or make a donation to events we attend. I have never thought so highly of myself to think that my physical presence at an event was gift enough to the organization. I do not think LeeAnne can say the same. Just because you show up to every event in town and get your picture taken does not make you charitable. I attended and donated to LeeAnne's small charity event that her and Brandi were arguing about. I also attended Cary's trunk show and made purchases to show my support. I don't think LeeAnne can say the same.
LeeAnne acted as though Brandi and I were wrong to have fun and talk to our friends at the trunk show. A small trunk jewelry trunk show giving 10% of sales to a charity and an actual sit down gala or luncheon are very different. I was there to support my friend, have fun, and buy jewelry to support a good cause. I have thrown my share of makeup and jewelry parties at my home where a percentage goes to an organization and it's always a laid back, fun evening with close friends. However, if Brandi and I acting silly upset Cary in any way, then I will be the first to apologize. LeeAnne saying, "It’s a little Plano in here," is her way of putting down the amazing town where Brandi lives. It’s obvious to me that LeeAnne doesn't feel like Plano measures up to Dallas, and she feels like Brandi and I are beneath her. Plano is a great place to live. It is one of the top places in Texas to raise a family. It also has some of the best schools in Texas.
At Marie's event, I was shocked to find Brandi and LeeAnne arguing. I wanted to support Brandi, but at the same time did not care about LeeAnne sharing her story at her charity event. LeeAnne always talks about herself. I was not shocked. My heart did hurt for her, because she seems to define herself by her past. When I sat there listening to them go back and forth at each other, I wanted to run away or hide. I do not like being in the middle of drama and have always been careful with my actions in heated moments. I do realize the power words have and you can never take them back. I only react if I feel made to, and at Marie's event, I did not feel like it was a conversation worth getting in the middle of."
What do you think about Stephanie’s blog?
The Real Housewives of Dallas airs Monday nights at 10/9c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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