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Lydia Schiavello Sets The Record Straight On Shane Warne Rumors And Calls Out Susie McLean For ‘Continually Attacking’ Her!

Lydia Schiavello is taking to her Arena Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Melbourne. Lydia Schiavello sets the record straight about Shane Warne rumors and calls out Susie McLean for 'continually attacking' her. Lydia writes:

"I really enjoyed shooting episode 5, having the privilege to attend such an emotional and heart felt wedding in the beautiful surrounds of Byron Bay. WOW. The beautiful values and connection between Gamble, Rick and Luke touched my heart. To see from a far, how much Luke has grown as a man and the special bond between father and son only demonstrates Gambles influence. Gamble has not only gained a husband, but a son as well.

Over the last four weeks Susie has continually made accusations on RHOM and in the media regarding my relationship with Chairman of the Shane Warne Foundation, Shane Warne, of which I am an Ambassador. As stated by SM to the Daily Mail on 4 March 2016, Lydia ‘‘went out of her way to make people believe she and the former cricketer were an item’.

First of all I would like to highlight the definition of an Ambassador as stated in the Oxford Dictionary. ‘An Ambassador is a representative or promoter of a specified activity or brand‘. I have been an Ambassador with the foundation for nearly three years, assisting in raising awareness and funds for severely sick and disadvantaged children.

In other words it is my role as an Ambassador, to raise the profile of the foundation by attending as many of the foundations events, functions and organised visits to sick children as possible. All Ambassadors are encouraged to use as many forms of social media to raise awareness in the community.

The fact that I have been continually attacked on this issue by SM is extremely sad and disappointing, whilst I was simply doing my job. Her statements are not justified, that I have put myself in situations of being photographed to give the impression to the public that I have had an affair with Shane. SM’s statements have caused scandal which have impacted on myself, my husband, my family and Shane. Disappointing.. ENOUGH SAID!

My husband Andrew is extremely proud of the work which I have done and understands as part of my role I will frequently be seen at events or in the media with both male and female personalities. I will not apologise for featuring in photos with the likes of Shane or others as this is part of being a frequently photographed media personality as well as part of my role within the foundation.

I would like to remind SM of a statement which has she made : ‘Lydia and I have a long history, but during that time we have never really been friends‘. SM, I 100% agree with you in regards with your statement. Therefore I am confused as to why you would have an opinion of what happens in my private life involving my friends and family? As stated by you, you are not part of it, and do not even know who my friends are or what I do in my private life.

At the end of the day, my husband and I enjoy nothing more than time together with our family and friends, who all mean the world to us. Sharing conversations whilst I cook in my kitchen, the sound of laughter coming from our courtyard, is all what my special time is about.

I love my life, I love my family, I love my friends.

I hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I did.


What do you think about Lydia’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Melbourne Season 3 airs Sunday nights at 8:30pm on Arena

Source/Photo Credit: Arena