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Kim Fields' Husband Slams Kenya Moore For Spreading Gay Rumors!

Kenya Moore' and Kim Fields's feud reached a whole new level during the couples trip to Jamaica this season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Kenya told her castmates that there has been a rumor in the entertainment industry for years that Kim's husband Christopher Morgan is gay.

When those allegations made their way back to Kim, she refuted them and was definitely angry at Kenya for saying such a thing. But we didn't get to see Chris' side of the story on RHOA. Now Chris has addressed the rumors in a new interview with E! News published Friday. Basically, he says Kenya made the whole thing up.

 "I felt immediately it was going to be important for me, at some time, to set the record straight that she had fabricated the entire conversation. There is no one in the industry that calls me anything other than my name, especially to my face," Chris told E! News. "Kimmy and I weren't together in the Living Single days. So, she had to stretch pretty far to get that."

During the conversation Kenya said that she had known Kim since she starred on Living Single, which ran from 1993 to 1998, but she later clarified during the episode that there had been "pervasive rumors about Kim's husband" for the past 10 years, which is approximately how long she and Chris have been together. However, Chris did acknowledge that he heard all sorts of rumors about himself when he first started dating Kim. "Now, I understand, I'm a Broadway performer without a real name, as far as Hollywood goes, and when Kim and I first got together, there was all kinds of speculation about me," he said. "Was I a deadbeat? Was I broke? Was I a drug addict? Was I a homosexual? There were all kind of rumors about me because nobody knew who this guy was dating, and eventually marrying, Kim Fields. [Kenya] basically took that speculation, one aspect of it, and ran with it."

However, Chris and Kenya seem to have reconciled, but they're still not going to be the best of friends anytime soon. "What does bother me is that she took the platform that she did to spread the lie that she did, but at this point Kenya and I have spoken. She's apologized. She's apologized quite publicly," he said. "Maybe there's some room down the road for us to actually be friends. Right now, not at all."

The same can't be said for Kim. "I don't know where my lady stands," Chris said. "The bottom line with that is, I'll be completely honest, if the shoe was on the other foot and somebody spread a rumor like that about my spouse, they don't really get back on the Christmas list for a couple years."

During the episode, Kenya and some of her RHOA castmates seemed to insinuate that Chris is gay because he is a Broadway singer and dancer, and playing into that stereotype could be offensive to more people than just Chris, he said. "Kenya says a lot of things that are insulting. Some of them she means, and some of them she doesn't. The problem is she doesn't really know," Chris said in response to what he thought about the ladies relating his career choice to his sexuality. "Being in the industry that I'm in, being the person that I am, without judgements on anyone's personal life, I have a lot of people in my life, a lot of friends in my life, a lot of colleagues in my life that are homosexuals. I love them dearly as the people that they are. I know that they were offended by the statements made."

Chris went on to say that Kenya judging his personal life could have negative repercussions on her own. "It's disappointing to me that someone would make such reckless statements without thinking of the true repercussions of it. What I mean by the true repercussions of it is, the man who's your boss, you just labeled as weak or inept or unable or lesser than. And I think that's pretty thoughtless and stupid, if you ask me, honestly," he explained. "And she's going to have to deal with Andy Cohen on that. She's going to have to deal with a bunch of the other people that are above her on that. She's going to have to deal with the quote-unquote industry that in her mind loves her so much over that. And that's not my business, that's hers. I did not dig that hole."

Luckily, all of this drama with Kenya doesn't seem to have affected Kim and Chris' marriage. In fact, it has brought them closer together. "I think honestly from the situation, our relationship has grown closer. I believe we grow closer every day, but just having obstacles to go through—and this has definitely been a new set of obstacles—has given us the opportunity to talk about new thing[s] and grow as a couple," Chris said. "So, as far as that, I'm grateful."

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo