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Janet Roach Says Lydia Schiavello And Pettifleur Berenger Are Only Feuding With Her To Stay Relevant!

The Real Housewives of Melbourne are finally returning this Sunday, February 21 on Arena and the ladies from down under are bringing the drama more than ever for Season 3. Janet Roach says she fears for the marriage of one of her co-stars and calls out Lydia Schiavello and Pettifleur Berenger. Find out why below!

Roach claims there are revelations, and some allegations, in the upcoming reality series which may place the marriage of one of her co-stars in jeopardy.

"This series as it goes on and on, I feel very sorry for her husband, he is a great guy," Roach told AAP.

"I do fear for their marriage. How can someone have a thing going in the public eye when you are so in the public eye."

Roach also accuses two of her co-stars of manufacturing drama in order to remain relevant on the show.

Janet says that Lydia Schiavello and Pettifleur Berenger embarked on "ramping" the show-up at all costs to remain relevant on the series.

"They have to remain relevant. If you look at both of them they don't have a storyline," Roach said. "They have to make up shit. She is trying to be controversial and Pettifleur is doing the same thing."

"Lydia started a thing against me about some Twitter war ... I don't really do social media," she added.

However, Schiavello revealed that the cast had instructions to be confrontational but she did admit that they were asked to "lift their game".

Schiavello gets plenty of screen time in the early episodes of Season 3 and she has a very uneasy relationship with newbie Susie McLean who she's known for 30 years.

"I didn't mind doing season three, it's what the producers want, but they did say to all of us that `we need to lift our game', and we did," Schiavello told AAP.

"I have no idea what her (Susie's) problem is and I am actually shocked and hence why I have no reason to talk to her, said Schiavello. "She will say things and make stuff up or talk rumours - it's all crap."

The Real Housewives Of Melbourne premieres this Sunday, February 21 at 8:30pm on Arena!

Photo Credit: Foxtel/Bravo