On Tuesday, February 9, Bravo released the first teaser trailer of the upcoming seventh season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. You get to see Teresa's first moments returning home to her family after serving more than 11 months in prison.
In it, we hear Joe say, "Hi, honey. Welcome home" before giving a teary Teresa a big hug and a kiss. We also see Teresa give a warm embrace to her daughters, which you can get a sneak peek of in the teaser clip, below.
As we previously reported, Teresa will also be joined by returning cast members Melissa Gorga and Jacqueline Laurita in Season 7 of RHONJ. The new season will pick up more than a year after Season 6 left off in November 2014 and will show Teresa trying to repair her relationships with her brother Joe Gorga and his wife Melissa, as well as prepare for her husband to begin his 41-month prison sentence in March.
Jacqueline will also be hoping to mend her onetime close friendship with Teresa. "I am very excited to be back," Teresa previously told The Daily Dish about the new season. "For me, this season is all about letting go of the past and embracing the future. People are calling me Teresa 2.0."
The new season is set to premiere sometime this year.
Are you ready for RHONJ? Sound off in the comment section below!
Source/Photo Credit Bravo
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