Erika Girardi is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Erika is happy she and the ladies were able to engage in a deeper conversation. Erika writes:
"In this episode there are more important topics discussed than my music video. Bethenny apologized, and we’ve moved on.
I do understand Kyle's worry over her sister Kim. I have experienced people close to me in similar circumstances, and my heart goes out to anyone dealing with addiction. I applaud Eileen's bravery for sharing her past experiences dealing with domestic violence. It takes a lot of courage to share such a personal story, and it's clear that even though this happened years ago, she’s still healing. I'd also like to thank Eileen for being so kind and genuinely supportive of me. She's pretty special.
I appreciate that the women and I were able to sit around the dinner table and have a deeper conversation. I felt like I got to know them better, and I'm starting to see more of who they are.
It was great to be out at Kyle's pop-up shop in the Hamptons. We all do different things professionally, and it's important to get out there and support each other.
Yolanda's surgery was a success, and I'm happy to see she's feeling better. I know she was so nervous about this procedure, and she's happy to have it behind her. She's been through a lot, so every improvement is important. I'm really hoping that removing these ruptured implants is a key to her recovery. Picking up her and Paige (who is awesome, by the way) was a great way for Yolanda to come home. After all the love and support she has shown me, stopping in Cleveland to pick her up was the least I could do. I’m glad I could help in any way.
I’d like to welcome Kathryn to the group. It was great to meet her at Lisa’s Hero Dog Awards event, and I look forward to getting to know her beyond a story of the past.
Until next time…
Erika x"
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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo. For International TV Listings click here!
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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