Earlier this week, Teresa Giudice shocked fans when she spoke out on social media for the first time in five months. The Real Housewives of New Jersey star who's currently serving a 15-month sentence in Danbury, Conn. took her Twitter account to thank her fans for their support... or did she?
"Thank you everyone for all of the cards, letters, and kind words of support," a tweet from her account read on Sunday. "I love, love, love you all xo T," Guidice tweeted on Sunday, May 31st.
Following the social media message, there has been some confusion as to whether the mother-of-four sent the tweet herself from prison.
"Teresa absolutely did not send the tweet herself. She doesn't have access to Twitter," Giudice's attorney James Leonard, Jr. tells E! News.
"The message came from her. She asked her daughter Gia to please post it," Leonard Jr., continues. "She wanted to thank her fans for the hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces of mail that she's received since she's been incarcerated. In particular, she received an outpouring of kind words and support on her birthday. She's truly grateful."
Giudice's attorney adds: "While she's finishing her sentence, she may continue to communicate with her fans this way."
Photo Credit: Bravo
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