The tenth season of the Real Housewives of Orange County premiered on Bravo on Monday, June 8th with new drama, a new housewife and new taglines! The first ladies of the Bravo unveiled brand new taglines, check them out below!
Heather Dubrow
“No one’s life is perfect, but mine is pretty close”
Shannon Beador
“When life gives you lemons, put nine in a bowl”
Tamra Judge
“Boldness comes at a cost, and I'm willing to pay”
Meghan King Edmonds
“Now that I'm in the OC, it's a whole new ballgame”
Vicki Gunvalson
“I’m the OG of the OC, everyone else is just a copy”
Which tagline is your favorite? Sound off in the comment section below!
The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9pm/8c only on Bravo
Source/Photo Credit: Bravo
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