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Meghan King Edmonds On Her Argument With Shannon Beador: “I Had No Idea She Was Going To Blow Up On Me Like She Did”

Meghan King Edmonds is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Meghan doesn't understand why Shannon couldn't help her with her charity event. Read her thoughts. Meghan writes:

"I was especially looking forward to this episode because at this point in filming I was feeling comfortable with everyone. I think this episode is the one that really becomes "season 10".

There is so much happening here that I want to talk about!

First of all, Wheels Up! That's the name of the private jet company we flew to Napa. My husband is an investor in the company and we have flown with them several times. We love everything about them, including their amazing parties!

I had never been to Napa and I was so excited.  It's true, I really do love to put my own personal touch on parties and special occasions so it will come as no surprise to those who know me that I hand-painted wine glasses.  Hayley and her mom, LeAnn, helped me paint and it was so funny because we couldn't really figure out what we were doing and made several duds before perfecting the process! LeAnn loves champs, too, and when I told Heather she sent LeAnn a bottle of Collette to her home.

I have to touch on Tamra and Katie talking about religion on the flight. Katie is very open about her beliefs in everyday conversation and Tamra is not. So to hear Tamra opening up to Katie about God and religion was unexpected and touching. Tamra was emotional and it was clear that this was a very personal subject and she was letting Katie into that part of her life. Whenever anyone finds God (or a higher power or whatever gives them peace) I feel inexplicably happy for them. Tamra is humble about her beliefs and I find that to be a powerful testament to her character.

Napa turned out to be much more of a whirlwind than I expected. We were constantly on the go-go-go! Jimmy has been friends with Nancy and Michael Bello for years, (which was great because I think he felt comfortable being without me when I was with the girls because he had his friends there) but I had just met them for the first time and they made me feel right at home. They know how to throw a party! Heather has wonderful friends and she loves them like family.

When I watched the scene of Shannon and David in the golf cart it made me squirm. It was so uncomfortable to hear David try to hug her and Shannon quip at him about not gritting his teeth when he did it. I'm no saint, believe me, I rub salt in the wound on occasion when my husband tries to bury the hatchet and vice versa. However, it was still difficult to hear. Having said that, I admire Shannon and David for working to save their marriage. I don't want to know what it's like to have to be in their shoes and even as I type this I am wondering if I am judging their relationship with my above thoughts. But I think Shannon sums it up well when she said she sometimes can't control her negative thoughts and she apologized to David at the end of the night.

A name...ay, Shakespeare, what's in a name? The central theme to Romeo and Juliet is playing out to be the tragedy of The Real Housewives of Orange County! My name is Meghan O'Toole King, this is my legal name and on my birth certificate and I love it. (O'Toole is my mom's maiden name and is also the middle name of my two sisters so you can see that I get my love of my name from my mother - who also had a hard time parting with hers!) I told Jimmy when we started dating that I would not be taking "Edmonds" when we got married. He was fine with this but I think his feelings were slightly hurt. So when he saw I would be going by "Meghan King Edmonds" on the show he was thrilled. It was my gift to him and judging from his response you would've thought I just won the Nobel Prize! Grinning ear to ear! Additionally, I didn't think about my step kids' thoughts on my name: they want me to go by "Edmonds" so we all have the same family name.

So, to continue with this laborious thought, I wasn't trying to mislead Shannon by leaving out "Edmonds" - I had only been married 2 1/2 months when I called her! Even if I had changed my name I would've still been getting used to it! And like I mentioned, I texted her after the phone call and she never responded to the text or the phone call like she said she would. She was so dismissive on that phone call that Jimmy, the caterer, Lindsay, and I were looking at each other with eyes the size of saucers in total disbelief; who speaks like that if they are answering a phone call? If Shannon thought I was a telemarketer then why did she stay on the phone with me? Even if I was a telemarketer I am clearly calling about a charity in which she had interest. I truly was calling her for suggestions as I sat with my caterer at the Red O. I had never thrown a charity event and never thrown a party in Orange County; I was looking for advice. I still to this day don't know why she couldn't just have helped me..or at least apologize when I said I was offended. I had no idea she was going to blow up on me like she did. I was simply floored.

To be continued..."

What do you think about Meghan’s blog?

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo