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Sonja Morgan: “Heather Has Different Standards For Carole Than She Has For Me”

Sonja Morgan is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Sonja Morgan breaks down the episode and talks about the group's double standards. Sonja writes:

"Who doesn’t love dancing on a table?

Carole coming out of the gate with a wild night out with a younger man! That came as a little bit of a shock, and I am so happy Carole found amore or whatever it is. Whatever it is is great! After divorce or losing a husband, one shouldn’t worry about tomorrow. Be in the moment while keeping your eye on the future. And I must say that Carole sure looks good for a girl who just threw up in a pedicab, spent the night (and day) with a younger man, doing gummy bears! I wonder if those were the gummy bears Kelly was eating on Scary Island--that sure would explain some of her behavior. I’m glad to see that Heather can be supportive of someone, because she hasn’t been able to support me of recent. I’m surprised, though, that Heather was able to listen to that whole speel from Carole--doing drugs, drinking tequila, throwing up in a rickshaw, and hiding a relationship from Luann-–without making a single judgmental comment! Weren’t Heather and Carole just saying last week that I drink too much and am out of control? But hey, maybe Heather is finally learning to accept that some people are fun! Either that or Heather has different standards for Carole than she has for me. I’m starting to think that it is the latter and that Heather is just giving me a hard time to give me a hard time! Do you think there is an underlying factor causing this? Because we have always been cool with each other, not uncool. We saw last season Heather and Carole spilling into the Manhattan streets toasted, and with me in the Berkshires, etc. It’s not like they don’t party hardy. Oooooooh Carole saying Luann won’t care about her dating her chef/niece’s boyfriend is sooooooo wrong. She has no idea. Worse than dating the niece’s boyfriend is that he works for Luann. You never steal the chef (or other employees), and never shtup them! Cardinal rule. LOL, I have a feeling Carole is going to learn this from Lu. OK…we see it in the preview for next week she’s not happy.

BTW, does anyone else feel like Adam looks like Carole’s intern Eric Goldie?

I laughed so hard when Ramona tells Dominik he has to come after 11 PM and leave by 7 AM. Ramona knows I have that rule; no one lives in my house. It’s not that Dominik didn’t get it because he is young, it is that Ramona talks fast and Dominik is German, and he didn’t catch it. He’s also very smart and knew she was stirring the pot. She took care of Ben last year, he was scared off. Let’s see if this bunch scares Dominik off!

Bethenny threw such a fabulous birthday party, and I say that with my "Sonja in the City" hat on! I’m so glad that she decided to have a birthday dinner. I know that she has been going through a hard time and that her birthday is already difficult for her. I’m glad that she felt comfortable reaching out to us and letting us help her through this trying time--that’s what friends are supposed to be for! I know that I rely on my good girlfriends a lot for support through this ongoing battle with my ex, even after divorce, so I’m happy to be there for Bethenny. I completely stand by that comment I made at dinner about needing to watch Dominik around all of those women. I definitely don’t want Luann pulling a pirate move on me. LOL. When Carole was trying to school that kid in fashion, it reminded me of when I said, “I have to feed this kid!” Us cougars should know that when you date a younger man, those comments will raise eyebrows. I have no idea why the other women have been teasing me about dating younger men. No one should knock it 'til they walk in my shoes. It’s not an age thing, it’s a situation as Carole would say. I guess Lu and Carole finally decided to come to my side and have more fun! The dancing on the tables was a breath of fresh air. Everyone was really able to cut lose and enjoy themselves, which is so important to do every once in a while, especially since we all work so hard. It was like old times. That’s why I first became friends with these girls. We need to have more and more of these moments as Bethenny says. Also, it’s always great to have a young, strong man to catch you when your table tips. Tables were meant to dance on. Take a trip to Greece!

I don’t know why Heather and Kristen are so upset about Bethenny’s birthday dinner, and it is HER birthday! I love when Kristen’s housekeeper say “Who cares?” several times. She has the right attitude. She reminds me of Jeff Lewis’ housekeeper Zoila. She says it like it is, even if you are the boss. Bethenny says she doesn’t know Kristen, so why should Kristen care if she wasn’t invited? Heather obviously isn’t that good of friends with Bethenny either, since Bethenny said that Heather was Carole’s plus one and she knows Bethenny is going through some real life sh-- right now that is new and stinging. So she isn’t close enough to shake her finger at Bethenny in this case. Bethenny has only first started hanging with us again. I wouldn’t start giving advice like Heather loves to do from a soapbox. I love seeing Carole on her date. Really happy for her. Where are they going to go for their next date--Six Flags?! Sounds fun to me. This is how we stay young. My advice to Dorinda? Don’t air your grievances with you daughter and John with this group! She doesn’t know them like I do. It could backfire. Vent with someone you're closer to and who you’re sure won’t air your dirty laundry.

Ramona’s restaurant business looks exciting but not as exciting as her monkey business with her partner. Those faces she makes are classic Ramona. Dorinda’s love life seems to be a little more complicated. I feel badly that she is going through this whole situation with her daughter and John. No one can ever come before your daughter, and that’s hard for some men to learn. Having said that, I believe John does know that and is just looking for recognition and attention from Dorinda. All men are babies! Then, goodness gracious when Dorinda compares him to her late husband, I felt like taking a bullet for her. As mother says, never mention another man with another man. I’ve been guilty of the same.

It must be nice to come late to a dinner because you’re buying diamond rings. Go Heather and Carole! I’m glad that I didn’t miss a night with my daughter to go to that dinner!  It just seemed uncomfortable to sit there and listen to Heather and Bethenny fighting! Those girls need to loosen up a little bit and remember to leave that aggressive attitude at the office! It was so brave of Carole and Dorinda to open up about losing their late husbands. I can only imagine how hard that must be. I can kind of imagine, because my divorce from my ex has been like he died. I lost my best friend. I hope that both of those girls know that they can come to me if they ever want to talk. I’m not saying that my situation with my ex-husband is the same as a death, but losing a husband--through death or divorce--is the hardest thing, and I think that we would be able to relate on some level. Yes I do listen! With Ramona at Nello’s I had a thorn in my side about how she talked to be about my divorce, and she just wasn’t responding. I missed our usual banter back and forth and relating to each other. We have so much water under bridge together. Wow that got heavy really fast! I hope that all of us women can keep connecting with each other, start supporting each other, and leave the bitchiness at home behind closed doors!

See you next week for more bitchiness, bossiness, and ill-advised advice!"

What do you think about Sonja’s blog?

The Real Housewives of New York City airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo