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Patti Stanger: "I Was There That Night Mario Singer Cheated" On Ramona

Patti Stanger shocked everyone during her appeared on Thursday night's episode of Watch What Happens Live. The Millionaire Matchmaker star alleges that she witnessed Ramona Singer's husband, Mario, on the night he was unfaithful to his wife.

"I was there that night he cheated—me and Jill [Zarin] in the Hampton," she told Andy. "I saw the whole thing go down. I was worried for Ramona. He had midlife crisis going on. And she doesn't deserve that."

Initially, she said, she wondered whether Mario and Ramona had an arrangement or an open marriage. "I kinda thought they swung a little. I wasn't sure," she explained. "It had a little connotation like that."

Ultimately, she realized what was happening. "I saw the whole thing. I saw him pick the girl at a certain person's house — you probably know," she told Cohen. "It was a big dinner party, and we just came for dessert, and I watched this and I was, like, sober, and everybody else wasn't. And I went, 'What is going on here?'"

She continued: "And then I was worried for Ramona. I was really worried for her. Because I saw shades of him trying — he had like a midlife crisis going on. And she doesn't deserve that. She's a great girl."

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Source/Video Credit: Bravo