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Bethenny Frankel: “I Knew Exactly Where Heather Was Going. It Felt Manufactured To Stir Up Drama”

Bethenny Frankel is taking to her Bravo Blog to dish on this week's episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. Bethenny Frankel explains why she reacted the way she did at dinner with Heather Thomson. Bethenny writes:

"Ouch. I may not float like a butterfly, but I DO sting like a bee.

Watching the dinner at Cherry made me giggle. It did look harsh when watching it back.

Let me create some context: I find that on the Housewives shows, being invited or not invited to something tends to be blown out of proportion, dragged out, and takes on a life of itself. This concept is exhausting to me, and I knew exactly where Heather was going. It felt manufactured to stir up drama.

The fact remains that I was new to the show, had just met everyone and had spent some time with Carole and Heather, so I decided to invite them to my birthday. I didn't know Kristen at all and wasn't going to invite her for the sake of a television show. Dorinda even says at dinner that she didn't know me at all so for her to be upset is preposterous to me. Even Kristen's housekeeper thought it was no big deal. The trailers did warn that "The B is back," so there you have it.

My birthday was fun, with no pressure, and it was how I'd like all my birthdays to go: just wing it. It has been a gnarly year, but I am blessed, grateful, and thankful to be celebrating another year of
health and motherhood. The evening was perfect.

I just have to randomly announce that I thoroughly enjoyed watching Ramona walk into her own restaurant with her dog. It is commonly known that you can't even stand in the front of a bodega with a dog much less stroll into a Tribeca sports bar with your Upper East Side shih tzu.

I'm rather grateful for Dorinda ripping John a new asshole at dinner, because it basically made me feel better about being a 24-karat twat at Cherry. Unfortunately, I don't think this is the end of my wrath. I walked into a new group of women, I had a lot of personal stress, and I was taking no prisoners.

All in, I love the show this season. I think it feels real, different, and like it used to be. Keep watching. It gets really good."

What do you think about Bethenny’s blog?

The Real Housewives of New York City airs Tuesday nights at 9/8c only on Bravo

Source/Photo Credit: Bravo